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[A/N: This lewd omake takes place during the sports festival. Thank you to Evan for commissioning it! You wanted another scene with Mitsuki? Well, here you go…]

-With Mitsuki Bakugo-

Mitsuki frowned at how her son had treated that poor Uraraka girl in the third round of the sport ls tournament. She felt like as his mother she should go and apologize. ‘And maybe provide the girl with some comfort…’ Mitsuki thought to herself as she licked her lips.

“I'll see you later Inko. I have something to take care of.” Mitsuki said to her friend as she stood up from where she was sitting in the arena.

Inko just gave Mitsuki a knowing look. “Uh huh, I'm sure. I already know what you're planning. Just go easy on the poor girl. From her innocent looks, Uraraka Ochaco looks like she has no experience.”

Mitsuki licked her lips as she shivered in delight at the thought. “That's what I'm hoping for.”


Mitsuki headed down the stands and went inside the competitors area. Normally it was off limits to anyone but teachers and staff. As the mother of one of the third round competitors however, Mitsuki was allowed inside.

As Mitsuki was walking down a hallway in search of her ‘prey,’ she spotted two familiar girls walking towards her. Both of them hadn't noticed her yet as they were lost in conversation.

“Well hello Akane and Momo. Don't you two look absolutely beautiful today. Your performances in this festival have also been amazing.” Mitsuki approached the two girls who had just now noticed her. Both of their eyes widened in recognition. She gently placed her hands on each of their cheeks causing them to simultaneously blush. Mitsuki smirked to herself at the sight. From the two girls' performances in the tournament today, they were both guaranteed to be in the future top ten hero ranking. Mitsuki licked her lips and couldn't have been prouder of herself that she had gotten to these two future heroines first though~.

“Thank you Mitsuki.” Momo replied, still blushing. “Were you here to see us? I'm afraid Akane and I are competing in the tournament at the moment though. Although, maybe after we could meet up and celebrate?” The girl's tone had some hopefulness to it as she asked that. Mitsuki noticed that Akane was also shuffling a bit. Either from eagerness or nervousness. Mitsuki smirked to herself at the action. Both of these girls were incredibly powerful, and yet deep down they were still sluts.

Mitsuki just smiled at the two younger girls. “I would love to spend time with BOTH of you two later tonight. I'm sure Inko would also love to come. I have your numbers, I'll be sure to call on you two later. I did have some business down here though. I wanted to apologize to Uraraka Ochaco for the way my son treated her. You two wouldn't happen to know what room she is in, would you?”

Mitsuki was delighted that Akane and Momo did, in fact, know which room Ochaco was currently in. Apparently the girl was depressed after her loss to Katsuki and had locked herself away to be alone for a bit.

Mitsuki thanked the two girls before following their directions towards the room Ochaco was in. When Mitsuki reached the door, she knocked firmly and waited. She thought she heard some sniffling from the other side of the door.

A few seconds later the door was opened by Ochaco who was red faced and looked like she had just been crying. Clearly trying to hide it, the girl had hastily tried to wipe away her tears before opening the door. Mitsuki could still see some leftover tear marks on the poor girl's cheeks. Mitsuki knew just the way to cheer the girl up~.

“Who are you?” Ochaco asked.

Mitsuki gave the girl the kindest smile she could muster before introducing herself. “Hello, Ochaco. I'm sorry my little shit of a son was so horrible to you in your match against him. I'm Katsuki’s mother and I wanted to apologize. Do you mind if I come in?”

Ochaco looked hesitant for a second before she nodded and stepped to the side allowing Mitsuki to enter the room. As she closed the door, Mitsuki deftly managed to turn the lock as it closed behind her.

Mitsuki turned to look at the girl. Obviously as a member of the hero course at UA college Ochaco had to be at least 18 legally. The girl certainly looked it as well as she had a beauty to her that many women wished they could have.  Ochaco's short brown hair and slightly round face gave her the innocent girl next door vibe. The girl also had a curvy figure that looked great on her! Mitsuki would enjoy this greatly.


-With Ochaco and Mitsuki a few minutes later-

Ochaco was stunned as the beautiful woman, (Bakugo’s Mom!), just pressed her lips into Ochaco’s own. This was Ochaco’s first ever kiss! She was completely taken off guard!

The two girls had been sitting next to each other on a nearby bench as Mitsuki comforted Ochaco and tried to cheer her up. Ochaco found herself really liking Bakugo’s mom. Unlike her mean son, she came off as witty and endearing. Ochaco did think that the woman was a bit touchy though. Mitsuki was sitting so close to Ochaco that they're legs were constantly touching, and every few seconds Mitsuki would reach her hand up and gently brush her fingers somewhere across Ochaco’s form as they conversed.

Eventually Ochaco made the statement that “she just wished there was a way for her to forget all about that stupid tournament fight.”

Mitsuki told the girl that she had the perfect way to make her forget. Before Ochaco could ask what that way was, Mitsuki was already leaning in and kissing her!

After kissing the girl for a few seconds, Mitsuki pulled her head back and separated their lips. She smiled at how Ochaco’s face had turned as red as a tomato.

“W-why did you do that?” Ochaco stuttered out.

Mitsuki smiled lewdly as she cupped her hand on Ochaco’s cheek. “I just wanted you to cheer you up. Plus you're also just so beautiful that I couldn't hold myself back?” Mitsuki replied.

“B-beautiful?” Ochaco asked with a small sputter. “No one's ever called me that before…” She trailed off. Ochaco had always been a bit more plump than the other girls and it had given her a bit of a complex. “That was also my first kiss…” Ochaco said. The blush still prominent across her face.

Mitsuki smiled in absolute delight at hearing that. She was ecstatic that she had found yet another complete virgin! She wondered if it was something about prospective female heroes in general being so focused on training, that they never had any experience. Mitsuki shook her head and tabled that thought for later. She had a new girl to enjoy right now in front of her. ‘And later…’ Mitsuki fondly remembered that she'd also be enjoying Akane and Momo again that night as well! Her schedule was quite packed today and she loved it!

“Then I'm glad to be your first.” Mitsuki said with some innuendo that Ochaco had not quite grasped yet. That said, the older blond leaned in and pressed her lips into Ochaco’s again.

Ochaco squeaked into the other woman's mouth as Mitsuki leaned in and kissed her for a second time! This time, Ochaco wasn't quite so caught off guard by the kiss, but it was still a new experience for her. Ochaco knew that she shouldn't be kissing someone she just met, especially the mother of one of her classmates. ‘That's what bad girls do!’ She thought to herself. Mitsuki’s kiss was just such a new and pleasant experience for Ochaco that she found herself not pushing the other woman away.

Mitsuki smirked in her mind as she continued to kiss Ochaco. She decided to step it up a bit though as she finally opened her mouth and brought her tongue forward.

Ochaco’s eyes widened in surprise as the older woman slipped her tongue inside her mouth! Things really started to heat up as Mitsuki began to dominate the kiss as her tongue plundered Ochaco’s inexperienced mouth. Mitsuki’s tongue brushed against Ochaco’s before the two started to wrestle against each other in her mouth.

The brand new sensation had Ochaco instinctively moaning. The girl suddenly found herself being drawn closer to Mitsuki as the older woman wrapped her arms around the younger one and pressed their bodies together. Mitsuki smiled in her mind as she started rubbing her hands up and down Ochaco’s torso through her shirt.

Ochaco was currently only wearing a T-shirt and a pair of gym pants. Her jacket had been destroyed in the match earlier. Mitsuki, with years of experience, continued to plunder Ochaco’s mouth with her tongue as she casually reached her hands down and deftly started to remove the other girls clothing.

The impromptu heavy make-out sensation had caused Ochaco to be a bit light headed as she was starting to audibly pant. She didn't put up any resistance when Mitsuki broke the two girls’ kiss in order to remove Ochaco’s clothing. Faster than she thought possible, Ochaco found herself temporarily standing up as Mitsuki divested her of her shirt and pants.

Ochaco found herself blushing heavily as she was now standing in the school's waiting room wearing nothing but her sports bra and her panties. Ochaco hadn't expected things to move this fast. She wondered if this was because she was a college student now? Ochaco wondered if all adult relationships move this fast…

Mitsuki across from her was quickly removing her own clothes as she couldn't stop cheering in her own mind at how well this had gone. Mitsuki lewdly licked her lips and grinned. The girl in front of her was going to be another amazing meal! Mitsuki couldn't believe the luck she was having with these future heroines lately!

“Aren't we going a little fast, Ms. Bakugo?” Ochaco started to ask but Mitsuki now completely stripped of her clothing and standing completely nude, simply placed her finger on Ochaco’s lips and shished the girl.

“Of course not, Ochaco. We're two consenting adults after all aren't we?” She said and Ochaco nodded. “Look at me,” Mitsuki said as she gestured between her own legs. Mitsuki’s  pussy, which was lightly surrounded by some trimmed blond hairs, was literally dripping wet in anticipation.

Ochaco gaped as she saw the liquid trailing down the older woman’s legs. “Is all that because of me?” Ochaco asked.

“Indeed it is," Mitsuki said. “I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now.” Mitsuki said sincerely. That was completely true on her part. There was nowhere she would rather be than in this room about to deflower another beautiful young virgin. Mitsuki shuddered in delight at the thought as more cleared liquid started to run down her thighs.

Ochaco gulped at that comment. “I've never had someone want me before…” She trailed off. “I just always thought my first time would be with…” Ochaco blushed before finishing her statement.

Mitsuki raised an eyebrow at that. She was curious about who the girl was thinking about, but in the end it didn't matter to her. Mitsuki was there first and she was going to be taking this girl for herself before anyone else did.

With no more discussion between them, Mitsuki looked around the waiting room they were in. She quickly found what she was looking for as she grabbed a bunch of towels off a nearby rack and laid them down on the floor as a makeshift bed.

“Lay down on these Ochaco. Let me take care of you~.” Mitsuki told the girl as she gently pushed her down onto the towels.

Ochaco didn't protest as she soon found herself on her back. She was still wearing her sports bra and panties and Mitsuki figured it was time for those to go too.

Mitsuki leaned down and gave Ochaco a sultry look as she pulled up on the offending upper cloth. A moment later the sports bra slipped over the younger girls head and Mitsuki was treated to a full view of Ochaco’s breasts. Her breasts were just as large as Mitsuki deliciously imagined. They weren't quite as perky as other girls Mitsuki had enjoyed, but the sheer size and squishiness of Ochaco’s tits more than made up for them.

Mitsuki leaned down over the furiously blushing girl as she took one of her large breasts into her mouth. Ochaco moaned immediately as her breath started to speed up. Mitsuki smirked to herself as she sucked hard on the girl’s left nipple causing Ochaco to let out a small mewl.

“Aaahn. Oh, wow. That's…new.” Ochaco said before Mitsuki reached over with her mouth and started sucking on her other nipple. Her other breast wasn't neglected though as Mitsuki reached over with her hand and started kneading Ochaco’s tits in a way that had the young girl almost turning into putty. “That feels really good! Oh my gosh!” Ochaco squeaked out.

Mitsuki continued switching between the girls breasts with her mouth as Ochaco’s panting started to speed up. With her free hand, Mitsuki reached her hand downwards and slipped it right inside Ochaco’s panties. It didn't take Mitsuki long to find that magic button that had Ochaco’s eyes immediately widen as she squealed in pleasure!

“Oh!...Fuck!” Ochaco was taken off guard from the pleasure of having her nipples and clitoris simultaneously stimulated that she actually swore.

“That’s a good girl Ochaco, just let yourself go. You'll love it.” Mitsuki said as she continued to hover over her latest conquest and went back to sucking on Ochaco’s large breasts. The whole time her fingers continued to gently rub up and down on Ochaco’s clit.

After another 30 seconds of constant pleasure. Ochaco felt something wonderful start to build inside her breasts and core. Ochaco wasn't the type of girl to usually masterbate, so this was almost a new sensation for her! “Oh! Mitsuki! Mitsuki I'm cumming!” Ochaco squealed out loud before a tremendous wave of pleasure shot through her whole body! Ochaco’s whole body shook as the ripple passed through her. She was a panting mess as a sloppy smile appeared on her face from the amazing orgasm she had just been given.

Mitsuki smirked proudly at her accomplishment before she decided it was time for the inevitable. Mitsuki stood up and walked over towards her bag before she reached in and grabbed the apparatus that she never left home without. Mitsuki never knew when she'd be blessed enough to be able to use it after all. With practiced ease, Mitsuki removed her glorious strap-on from her bag before affixing it to her own crotch. Just the thought of what was to come sent a small orgasmic shudder through Mitsuki's own body!

Ochaco was still laying on her back panting on the makeshift towel bed. Mitsuki moved herself between the girl's legs and pulled off her now drenched panties. Ochaco didn't make any move to protest as she was just staring up at the ceiling panting and smiling. Mistsuki licked her lips as she noticed the girl's glorious chest rising and falling with every breath she took.

It was only when Mitsuki pushed Ochaco’s legs apart and moved her plastic cock into the position that the other girl inclined her head to look at her. “That was amazing, Mitsuki. Thank you!” Ochaco said. Her face still flushed.

“It's not over yet, beautiful.” Mitsuki smiled ecstatically as she pushed her cock forward and slowly started to spread to Ochaco’s lower lips apart!

Ochaco’s eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected sensation! “What is that!” She squeaked out questioningly.

“This?” Mitsuki said with a lewd smile as she didn't stop moving her hips forward. Ochaco let out a moan from her untouched pussy being spread apart. “This is my special tool.” Mitsuki licked her lips as her eyes shined in glee at the shocked look in Ochaco’s eyes. Especially now that she realized she was about to be deflowered. “It's what I've used to turn many girls into women. And now it's your turn~.”

There was a pause for a moment as Ochaco quivered and blushed heavily. “I-I…um…ok.” Ochaco stuttered out her consent. She wasn't expecting to fully lose her virginity today, but she also didn't want to stop. Ochaco laid her head back down as she focused on the sensation of having something big and hard prying open her core for the first time ever. Ochaco was actually finding it to be quite pleasant. It was her first time. She wondered if that made her a slut?

Mitsuki shuddered in delight at seeing Ochaco give her consent! She pushed her cock forward more and finally hit that barrier that she had been deliciously waiting to destroy.

“Ow!” Ochaco called out when she felt the plastic cock reach her hymen.

“Don't worry Ocacho.” Mitsuki reassured her new partner with a lewd smile. “You should be happy. You're going to be a woman now. My woman~.” Mitsuki continued to grin in delight. This was always one of the best parts for her!

“Okay…” Ochaco timidly said while lying on her back. She could feel the cock pressing against her barrier. It was uncomfortable, but Ochaco would be a liar if she said she wanted to stop. This had all happened so fast, but to Ochaco, it was amazing nonetheless! She still let out a gulp in suspense though. This was it. Her first time! She couldn't believe she was giving it to a woman she just met, but here she was.

“Here we go!” Mitsuki called out as she pushed her hips forward with a powerful thrust!

“Eeeeeeeeeek!” Ochaco squealed loudly as her barrier was instantly torn and the cock shoved through her folds and reached her depths!

Mitsuki smiled proudly at the shocked expression on the face of her latest conquest! Ochaco’s eyes were full opened. Her mouth was gaping open as she squealed loudly.

“Haaaaaaa~” Mitsuki let out a delicious sigh at the sight. “That's it, dear Ochaco. You're a woman now, congratulations!” Mitsuki grinned lewdly as she spoke.

Ochaco, though, barely heard her as she was too focused on the sensations coming from deep in her pussy. The plastic cock had plowed through her barrier so hard and fast! All Ochaco could do was squeal as she was immediately overwhelmed with pleasure and pain!

Mitsuki slowly withdrew her hips backwards causing Ochaco to mewl, before Mitsuki slammed them forward once more! Mitsuki's thighs met Ochacos in a delicious sounding clap as the younger girl let out another squeal!

“Oh my god! It feels so…”


Mitsuki delivered another powerful thrust that stopped Ochaco from speaking as her mouth gaped open in a silent moan! Ochaco could feel every inch of the plastic cock as it massaged and speared through her depths. Her pussy was stimulated with something she'd never experienced before as she couldn't stop moaning and squealing with every powerful thrust Mitsuki gave her.

Above her, Mitsuki’s large breasts were swaying back and forth as she continued her rhythmic thrusting. Mitsuki shivered in delight when she heard all the cute noises the former virgin underneath her was letting out.

“That's a good girl Ochaco! You take my cock so well! Do you like it?” Mitsuki grinned as Ochaco continued to pant with each of her thrusts.

“Yeeeeees. I like it. I like it so much!” Ochaco called out!

Mitsuki smirked as she decided to really give the other girl something she'd like. Something she'd never forget. Mitsuki withdrew her cock until just the tip was left inside the panting Ochaco. Then with another smirk and a powerful thrust Mitsuki slammed her hips forward!

Ochaco felt a wave of pleasure she had never experienced at that! Her mouth was open wide with her tongue lolling out. Her eyes were glazed over as she was almost drunk with ecstasy. They began to regain clarity however when deep within Ochaco’s pussy, something massive and powerful began to build.

Mitsuki pulled her hips far back before she slammed them forward with another amazing thrust. Mitsuki’s own eyes were glazed over in ecstasy as she was on the verge of an amazing orgasm herself. She knew she would get there with only a few more thrusts as her strap-on delivered beautiful tingles to her own clitoris everytime she moved her hips. Mitsuki leaned down and pressed her breasts into Ochacos as she didn't stop her hips. Mitsuki rested her head on Ochacos shoulder as she sucked on the girls neck. The other girl moaned deeply at the new angle Mitsuki’s cock was hitting from the slight change in position.

“That's it, Ochaco. You're a woman now.” Mitsuki whispered out while panting into Ochaco’s ear. “I made you a woman, and now I'm going to make you come like one. So come!” Mitsuki raised her hips and delivered one last powerful thrust that had Ochacos eyes widening fully as she let out a long drawn out squeal.

“Oh fuck yes!” Mitsuki screamed out along with the girl as a powerful orgasm ripped through her own body. Mitsuki trembled in delight as the wave of pleasure caused her to shudder everywhere. The whole time she was coming she hadn't stopped kissing Ochaco’s neck.

Ochaco experienced the most amazing sensation of her life as that last thrust had her squealing and screaming in ecstasy. She wrapped her arms and legs around her older partner as Ochaco held on for dear life as her body couldn't stop shaking. Wave after wave of pleasure rippled through Ochaco’s body originating from deep within her core and traveling everywhere! Ochaco never wanted the feeling to end!

Thankfully, for Ochaco’s sanity, it did end after a few moments. Mitsuki was laying kisses on the girl’s neck the whole time she rode it out.

Ochaco’s ecstatic squeals turned to tired pants as Mitsuki pushed herself up and slowly started to extract her plastic cock from Ochaco’s depths. Ochaco mewled as it was slowly pulled out.

Mitsuki, on her knees, moved back slightly as she admired her latest conquest. Mitsuki herself was a flushing mess, and yet she'd never be happier than where she was right now. She smirked to herself proudly once she fully extracted her plastic cock causing Ochaco to whine from the empty sensation.

“Now, now, Ochaco. All good things must come to an end.” Mitsuki smirked as the younger girl had a pout on her face. Mitsuki looked down between the girls legs and there staining the towels was a slight patch of red. That was the sight that Mitsuki lived for!

She could already feel her own core heating up again at the sight of the panting and sweating Ochaco laying on her back. A former virgin begging for more with that delicious red stain between her legs.

“Please… one more time.” Ochaco begged as she tried to reach forward towards the strap-on.

Mitsuki let out a fake sigh. “well if you insist…” Mitsuki lined the plastic cock back up with the recently deflowered pussy and slammed her hips forward!

Ochaco screamed in glee!


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