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Chapter 19:


It's always strange to be called to the principal's office, especially when it's the principal's office of a school he didn't even attend. 

“Sorry for the wait, Mr. Light. The press have been hounding our campus for hours after the attack. I finally got them to back off and go home for the day,” the furry little creature dressed in an adorable suit said to Marcus.

“It's no problem… Sir?” Marcus said questioningly. 

“Yes, I am male,” the creature confirmed. “I am Nezu, the principal of UA High School,” he spoke in English so Asia could also understand.

“It's very nice to meet you, Mr. Nezu,” Asia said with a beaming smile on her face while holding out her hand to shake.

The tiny principal seemed taken aback by her gesture. He stuck his paw forward and shook hands with Asia. “It's very nice to meet you too, Miss Argento,” he said with a small smile.

“We're sorry we crashed in the middle of your campus. I was trying to get back to Gotham and somehow ended up on the other side of the planet,” Marcus explained to Nezu. “My portals have never messed up like that before.” He didn't even think that was possible. That power had been granted to him from his mother, and she was an Archangel.

Nezu tilted his head in puzzlement for a moment. “...And I would like to apologize to you both for the actions of one of my students. Shouto Todoroki should not have attacked with lethal force, especially considering neither of you made any moves to attack him first,” he noted.

“That kid seemed like he has a lot of issues,” Marcus commented while thinking back on Todoroki. “He was basically out of his mind. He kept rambling about ‘him’ or ‘her.’” Marus said while making finger quotes.

Asia sadly nodded in agreement. “One of the things my Sacred Gear cannot fix is mental illness.” 

Nezu sighed in acceptance. “I'll take that under advisement. I was already planning on pulling him from his heroics courses for a few months while we ran a psych eval on him. Thank you for not pressing charges,” Nezu said to Marcus.

Marcus had been planning on it, but Asia talked him out of it. Where he saw a future villain, she saw a teenager who was suffering and lashing out. In the end, he relented to her “puppy eyes” and agreed not to press charges against the kid who tried to kill them.

“So what happens now? Can Asia and I leave? We're expected back in Gotham. If you have any further questions about me, you can contact Batman from the Justice League. I've been on patrol with him and Robin a few times now,” Marcus explained.

Nezu nodded at Marcus before speaking. “You’re both free to go if you wish. I just have one question for you both."

"Sure. What is it?” Marcus asked.

“Where and what is a Gotham?” Nezu asked curiously.



…After that question, a long talk took place between Nezu, Marcus and Asia. The two blonds quickly found out that they weren't where they thought they were. They weren't even close.

“What do we do now, Marcus?” Asia asked him a few hours later. They had both been assigned a room in the unused student dorms. Nezu had asked them to “stay close” to the campus for the time being.

“I guess we're stuck here for a while,” Marcus replied. “Whatever messed up my portal REALLY messed it up. We somehow ended up in another dimension.” Marcus had tried calling on his mother’s power to take them both home. It had failed when he found that the power had been put on its cooldown period. That confirmed for him that they were in another dimension.

“I thought the future would be a lot more exciting. Everything looks the same.” Asia said, and Marcus laughed. He couldn’t help but agree.

And wasn't that interesting for them both to learn. They had not only ended up in another dimension, but one that was over 150 years in the future. It was currently 2172, and this world had developed in a very strange way. The majority of the humans on this Earth had developed superpowers.

Of course, that had led to a long period of global chaos that had only recently ended in the past 30 years with the emergence of the world’s greatest hero, All Might—the same large hero that Marcus and Asia had met upon their arrival. He was basically this world’s Superman except he couldn’t fly and he wasn’t even remotely as powerful. 

Due to all the chaos that came before All Might’s reign, technology had barely progressed past where it had been at the dawn of the 21st century in this dimension.

There was another noticeable feature to this dimension. Marcus didn't sense the presence of any other Supernatural beings. He was in Japan and yet he didn't sense any Gods or Yokai. He had unleashed the Balance Breaker of the True Longinus right in the heart of a foreign Pantheon. If the Supernatural existed here, they should have come running to investigate that burst of power.

“This world clearly doesn't have any influence from the supernatural. It’s very similar to the last dimension I visited, actually. Super-powered beings were basically running the world from the shadows in that dimension. In this one, a person’s superpowers pretty much determine their entire identity and future,” Marcus explained. Marcus had done his due diligence. The dorm room they were given had a computer with internet access. It wasn’t hard to do a few history searches and find out everything they needed to know.

“Will we be okay here?” Asia asked. “We don't have Quirks.”

“No one knows that though. Even Nezu thinks we're both regular heroes from another dimension who accidentally got stranded here. We should keep our supernatural origins to ourselves for now,” Marcus said.

Asia wasn't a fan of lying, but she agreed that they should do so.

“We should both be okay because we have ‘amazing quirks’,” Marcus said with a small scoff. “We only have to make it a week or two in this world before we can go home.” 

He was already making plans on how they should proceed. Neither he nor Asia had any form of ID, but Nezu claimed he would take care of that in the meantime. The little creature had been pretty ecstatic to find out they had come from a completely different dimension. Marcus was honestly surprised the principal believed their story.

“You displayed more power than even All Might has ever been capable of when you destroyed that monster,” Nezu said to Marcus. “I can’t see any reason why someone capable of so much power would bother lying about their origins. Also, our security cameras in the USJ did witness you and Asia materializing out of a portal that was distinctly different from the one the villains used. The only similarity they had was that they were both black.”

Marcus remembered frowning when he heard those words. 

His portal had been black? That was impossible, his portals came from his mother’s Divine Energy. They could only be a brilliant gold color. Anything else would have been borderline blasphemy.


Blasphemy? Marcus’s eyes widened. ‘Ajuka!’ he thought to himself in anger. ‘He must have done something to interfere with my portal! I hope Mom kicks his ass extra hard for me.’ He finished that vindictive thought before turning to Asia. He still had his mission. The most important thing was to keep her safe for the time being. Nothing else mattered.

“Why don’t we call it a night? I’m sure you’re tired after everything that’s happened these past few days," he suggested. He could see the dark circles under her eyes. The poor girl probably hadn't slept in days.

Asia let out a yawn and nodded. She wrapped her arms around Marcus and hugged him tightly. “Thanks for coming to rescue me. I didn’t want to be a devil. I didn’t want to lose my family…” she said with a few sniffles.

Marcus patted his little sister on the back. “You wouldn’t have lost us even if you were turned into a devil. Grandfather would have immediately turned you back human, or he would have just turned you into an angel like me," Marcus said. That had always been the plan anyway. Marcus had no intention of letting any of his human friends or family members die of old age. He’d either find a way to extend their lifespans or get his grandfather to turn them all into angels.

According to Big G, Marcus would even be able to turn other beings into angels in the future. That was a long way off, however, he would need to become an Archangel before attempting any feats like that.

“Good night, Asia.”

“Good night…Onii-chan.” Asia said with a giggle and Marcus sighed. She thought it was funny to call him that since they were technically in Japan.

The next morning, Marcus found himself in the teachers' lounge of UA. He was surrounded by the faculty, who were all giving him and Asia curious glances.

“You’re looking a lot better,” Marcus commented as he noticed Aizawa’s complexion. Even with Asia’s healing the day before, the teacher/hero had looked like he was on the verge of dropping from exhaustion at any second.

"I splurged and gave myself a solid four hours of sleep last night,” Aizawa replied bluntly.

“Isn’t it supposed to be eight hours?” Asia asked him.

“Not if you’re a pro-hero who also has to grade the test papers of 20 students every night…” he said while pouring himself a third cup of coffee. “At least I managed to get a whole extra hour of sleep last night.”

“That definitely can't be healthy,” Marcus said. 

The teacher simply shrugged and said something about Recovery Girl being able to heal him if anything goes wrong with his health.

“Don’t worry about Shota, hot stuff. We’re all much more interested in learning about you. The amount of power you displayed earlier was so hot! You got me so excited after I watched the replays from the security cameras,” the heroine Midnight said while wiggling in place and gazing at Marcus with lust filled eyes.

Marcus was 18 years old but still felt like he needed an adult after that comment…

“Okay then… Please stop freaking out our guests, Midnight,” Present Mic said before turning back to Marcus. “The amount of power you displayed at the USJ was mind-blowing. That trail of destruction is going to take weeks to fix, even for Cementos.”

"Sorry about that. I was just coming out of a pretty intense rescue mission, and my adrenaline was still running high. I could have taken down that Nomu without causing so much collateral damage in hindsight,” Marcus admitted and bowed his head. He wasn’t accustomed to Japanese culture, but he at least knew that people did that when they apologized.

Present Mic waved his hands. “Hey, it's no big deal. It won’t even cost us any money to fix everything. That’s what Cementos is for.”

“It’s no big deal,” Cementos added. “I consider fixing things to be a good workout anyway. It keeps my Quirk honed.”

“Speaking of Quirks, both of yours are amazing,” Midnight said with a grin at Marcus and Asia. “An incredibly powerful and sexy angel and his beautiful little sister capable of healing all injuries. You two make a great pair. Both of your popularity is already exploding across the country!”

Asia blushed at the compliment. “Thank you, but I'm not capable of healing everything. I can't heal mental illnesses or diseases,” she admitted.

“Our popularity?” Marcus asked in confusion.

Aizawa frowned in annoyance. “Someone leaked the security footage of the USJ invasion. The videos have already spread across the internet and are racking up views worldwide. We suspect it was one of the villains who leaked the footage. They must have set it up ahead of time, expecting to show the world the deaths of numerous students and the Symbol of Peace himself.”

Present Mic laughed loudly. “Hah! Instead, all they showed the world was that the next generation of heroes is incredibly strong! Other than that Nomu monster Marcus-san destroyed, none of them stood a chance.” He seemed incredibly proud of the fact that his students apparently kicked all kinds of ass.

Marcus had only arrived at the tail end of the invasion. He hadn’t seen any of the students fighting. The students he did witness didn't exactly impress him though. One of them was slightly deranged and wouldn't stop attacking them. The next student was a blatant streaker. And finally, the green haired boy was severely lacking as a potential hero. Breaking down and crying in the middle of a battle did not win him any points in Marcus's book.

Aizawa looked at Asia curiously. “You said the only things you can’t heal are mental illnesses and diseases? Does that mean that you can heal everything else?” he asked her while leaning forward.

Asia fidgeted a bit under everyone's attention, but she eventually nodded. “A–Are you still hurt? Do you need me to heal you a-again?” she asked him.

Aizawa shook his head. “I'm pretty sure you even cured my dry eye problem. I didn’t think that was possible…” he mumbled. “I wanted to know what your full capabilities are. Can you heal missing limbs? What about missing organs?” he asked.

She pondered for a moment. “...I can, but it takes a lot of energy. Depending on the seriousness of the injury, it could take me a couple of days,” Asia explained. “Most of the time, I just heal people to the point where they’re out of mortal danger, and then the hospitals will take care of the rest. That way, I can save energy and heal more people.” Asia lied convincingly. This wasn't the first time someone had asked her this kind of question. Lady Gabriel had told Asia to always lie and downplay the true extent of her healing capabilities. Cuts and broken bones were one thing, but if people found out she could restore missing limbs in only a few minutes, then every other faction in the world would try to kidnap her to try and rebuild their fighting forces. The Great war was brutal, thousands of devils and fallen angels didn't walk away from it unscathed. 

Aizawa looked contemplative about Asia's answer. He glanced at the other heroes in the room and they all had the same expressions on their faces. “That's interesting to know. There might be someone important who could use your healing. I'll have to talk to them first. For now, you both are free to explore the campus and the area around UA. The principal asks that you don't leave the city though,” he said to both of them.

Marcus and Asia ended up taking the offer after breakfast. They headed off campus to explore the city of Musutafu, a city that did not exist in their world.

“Wow, that guy has a spider for a head. How does that work?” Asia asked Marcus. The guy she was referring to was a salaryman who had just passed them by on the sidewalk. Asia was correct, he had a spider for a head. Not the head of a spider, but his actual entire head was replaced by a spider—legs and all. It was fucking gross.

“I’m pretty sure he failed the genetic lottery…” Marcus said honestly, and Asia slapped him on the arm.

“That’s not very nice…” she pouted. 

He simply shrugged as they kept walking down the city streets. Marcus found it interesting how the people in this world seemed to absolutely love their Quirks—even if their quirks completely sucked. The Spiderhead guy looked perfectly content and happy with his life, probably because he wasn’t Quirkless. The things Marcus read on this world’s internet did not paint a very kind picture for Quirkless people. They weren’t even second-class citizens; they were much lower on the totem pole than that.

Marcus was pulled out of his negative thoughts by Asia tugging on his sleeve. “Marcus, there’s an ice cream truck over there. Let's get some!” She excitedly dragged him across the street and over to the truck. Thankfully, Nezu had lent them some paper money—150 years in the future and people were still using paper money. That was honestly more mindblowing to Marcus than the fact that the guy serving them Ice Cream had bright orange skin…

Marcus licked his ice cream cone and did his best to ignore the squeals of some schoolgirls who had been staring at him and giggling nearby. “What do you want to do with all this time we have, Asia?” he asked her. Sitting around for two weeks wouldn’t be very productive. “Maybe we could train you on how to use your Light?” he suggested despite knowing how adverse she was to learning how to fight.

Asia possessed a Holy Type Sacred Gear. Twilight Healing not only granted her access to amazing healing powers, but it also granted her a small amount of Light Energy. In theory, she could learn to create her own Lightspears—if she ever got over her fear of physically hurting other beings.

“Do you think I should?” Asia asked him. “Could I have saved people back home if I learned how to fight? I hated feeling so weak…” She was referring to the attack on the Vatican. Her two bodyguards had been slain before her eyes, along with numerous nuns and priests she had grown up with. Asia had woken up feeling guilty about everything that had happened. Marcus recognized it as an obvious case of survivor's guilt.

“I can't say that you wouldn’t have been able to help,” Marcus told her honestly. If she had known how to fight, it's very possible that she could have saved a few lives. “I can tell you that if you train, then you won’t ever feel like that again.”

“Well said, new guy!” an enthusiastic voice called out behind them.

They turned around and saw a few heroes approaching them in costume. The heroes seemed young, no older than Marcus himself.

“Hello there!” the blond in the middle of the trio waved. “I’m Lemillion! I saw the video of you fighting that monster online. I really appreciated all of the POWER you displayed!” he said enthusiastically.

The costumed girl of the group ran right up to Marcus. “It was super awesome! That monster was all like GRrrrr–and then you were like whoosh! And then he became all mean and you were like 'prepare to witness my true power!' And then you went bam, and blasted it to smithereens. That was so cool! Your quirk is really awesome! How does it work? Does your quirk let you shoot lasers? What about your wings? Where did they go? Are they invisible? Or maybe they have some kind of hypnosis effect that stops people from noticing them! I saw that in a movie one time and–”

“Okay, Nejire-chan… Calm down a bit. You’re freaking the guy out,” Lemillion said as he yanked his friend backward.

“I feel so much secondhand embarrassment right now. I wish I was an amoeba…” the third member of the party said, doing his best to avoid eye contact with everyone nearby.

“Quit being such a downer, Suneater,” Nejire said before turning back to Marcus and smiling brightly. “Hi, I’m Nejire Hado, otherwise known as Nejire-Chan. These are my best friends Mirio and Tamaki. We’re all in our final year at UA.”

Marcus was thankful the overly inquisitive girl had calmed down. She was crazy hot, but her curiosity was also really intense.

“It’s nice to meet you three. I'm Marcus Light, and this is my little sister Asia Argento.”

“Hi…” Asia said shyly.

“Squeeee! You are so adorable, Asia!” Nejire ran forward and hugged her. 

“Awawawa!” Asia let out a cute squeak in surprise, and everyone chuckled.

“We’re sorry for eavesdropping,” Mirio said to Marcus. “We’ve been trained to listen to our surroundings at all times when on patrol.”

Marcus could understand that. That’s pretty much what all police officers were trained to do as well. It only made sense that the pro heroes would follow the same protocol.

“We heard that you want to train your sister on how to use her Quirk for combat. Do you have a place to do that?” Mirio asked.

Marcus shrugged. “I was thinking about taking her into the forest.” It would be a lot safer for her to experiment with her Light without any other people around.

Mirio shook his head. “Nonsense! You’re currently staying at UA, aren't you? You should just use one of its quirk training facilities. You can unleash plenty of POWER there without having to worry about collateral damage or some random hiker interrupting you. You should use our private facility.”

Marcus raised a curious eyebrow. “You three have your own private facility?”

Nejire, still hugging Asia, nodded. “Yep! We’re super strong! The strongest students at UA! They call us the Big Three! We get a whole bunch of awesome perks!”

“I’m not that special… I’m just an ordinary person. Please don’t pay attention to me,” Tamaki mumbled in the background, and Marcus sweatdropped. The guy had some serious self confidence issues. Despite that, Marcus could see the guy's eyes flickering around the vicinity every few seconds, taking in everything. He might be incredibly shy, but he was still very well trained and was constantly searching for threats. 

“Access to a private training facility would be pretty nice, but we don’t want to interrupt your patrol,” Marcus said.

Mirio waved him off. “Naw, the three of us have been roaming the streets for hours. The only crime we've seen today has been one random purse snatcher.”

“Yeah! It’s been a pretty slow day,” Nejire added, finally letting go of a blushing Asia. “All the villains are super duper scared right now since that massive attack on UA failed thanks to you!”

Mirio’s eyes narrowed slightly in challenge. “While we’re there, maybe you and I could have a small spar?” he suggested. “I’d really love to see your POWER first hand.” 

Marcus chuckled at his fellow blonds enthusiasm. “I’ve got no problem throwing down if you think you can take me on,” he wasn’t going to back down from a challenge from a hero his own age. 

“Hell yeah! Fight Club!” Nejire cheered as the Big Three led Marcus and Asia to their private training facility on the outskirts of the campus. 

–All For One–

The previous day… Right after the USJ invasion.

All For One had barely managed to teleport Tomura Shigaraki out of that lake before his student drowned or bled out from his numerous injuries. Thankfully, he made it in time; otherwise, many of his plans would have been ruined.

“Master! It hurts! It hurts so much!” Shigaraki screamed in pain as Doctor Garaki sewed and cauterized his many wounds shut.

All For One had been shocked at how badly the invasion of UA had turned out. Their Nomu had not only killed Kurogiri but had also torn off one of his precious student’s arms. Shigaraki’s left arm had been unrecoverable, which essentially meant he had been reduced to half strength until they could find a Quirk that could regrow limbs.

‘A healing Quirk like that is almost impossible to come by…’ the infamous villain thought to himself in annoyance. Even with all of his underground connections, he hadn’t been able to find such a powerful healing Quirk for himself after almost ten years.

“What the hell happened, Tomura? Why did you make your Nomu go berserk?” All For One asked his disciple.

“Ow!” Shigaraki cried out one last time as the Doctor finished stitching him up. His eyes were brimming with tears and hatred. “I had to! Another PLAYER entered the game right when I was about to win! That damn Harem Protagonist CHEATER ruined everything! Nomu was about to kill Eraserhead, and then I would have slaughtered a bunch of students! It would have been the perfect way to finish my QUEST!”

“Harem protagonist?” All For One asked skeptically. Sometimes he regretted indulging Tomura’s gaming addiction so much. To be fair, though, All For One wholeheartedly acknowledged that he was a shitty parent.

Shigaraki seethed. “That blond pretty boy and his little sister were overpowered! He was able to fight my Nomu to a standstill with a really powerful Quirk that let him summon freaking lightsabers! And the girl… she was able to fully heal Eraserhead in only a few seconds! He was seconds away from dying, and then he was back to MAX HP instantly! What kind of HACKS are that!? How come I didn’t get a super awesome healer in my PARTY?” Shigaraki whined loudly.

“Such a healing Quirk exists?” Doctor Garaki asked. “The hero was back to full health in seconds? My Lord, we need to get our hands on this girl!” the Doctor exclaimed enthusiastically. No doubt, he was already planning the numerous inhumane experiments he would perform on the girl in his head. The Doctor certainly loved dissecting people with powerful Quirks to find out how they ticked.

Losing Kurogiri was a heavy blow to the League of Villains, but they might have come out of this ahead with such valuable intel. Could the girl’s healing Quirk be the golden goose he had been searching for all these years? Did he finally have a way to return himself to full strength? A menacing smile spread across All For One’s mangled face. “Interesting, tell me more about this girl, Tomura…”


“Wow, Gabriel… you’ve certainly gotten a lot stronger, haven’t you?” Serafall asked nervously from the ground. She was covered in cuts and bruises, and she was pretty sure both her arms and legs were broken as well. The battle had long since come to a conclusion. Diodora’s mansion and a large portion of the Astaroth territory had been completely destroyed.

Sirzechs and Ajuka were in similar states of injury next to her. None of them had stood a chance against Gabriel. Even when the three Maou released their true forms, they still couldn't manage to beat the most beautiful Archangel. That was incredibly humbling and terrifying.

Gabriel scoffed. “I've always been this powerful; you would have known that had you read the Bible. Did you really believe that we Archangels were so weak? I have existed for millions of years. Did you really think you and your little friends could match me or my siblings? Not one of you has even reached your first millennium in this world.”

Serafall pouted up at Gabriel. “How was I supposed to know you were this strong!? I’ve never been able to read the Bible without getting a pounding headache. I can’t even read the cliff notes version because it still contains a few quotes.”

“That sounds like a ‘you problem,’” Gabriel said with a shrug before vindictively kicking the unconscious Ajuka in the nuts. “Where did you send my son!?”

The genius of the Underworld shrieked like a little girl. The force he had been kicked with was enough to fold a tank in half. “I don’t know!” Ajuka yelled in pain. “I don’t know where he ended up. The spell I used was incomplete!”

Gabriel glared at Ajuka before kicking him in the balls a second time for good measure. “You’re lucky my son isn’t dead! I would know if he was, and there would have been no saving the Underworld from my wrath! As it is, the Devils are going to suffer some severe repercussions after everything your race pulled!” Only two of the Maou heard her threat since Ajuka had passed out in pain after the second kick.

“It wasn’t our race, it was only Diodora…” Sirzechs tried to argue. “We had nothing to do with the attack.”

Gabriel clearly didn’t buy that flimsy excuse they used whenever one of their own kind went off and caused an international incident. “How the hell are you idiots the leaders of your own race? Diodora didn’t just get an entire army of Stray Devils from nowhere! There were hundreds of them! Dozens, or even hundreds of Devil Kings would have been required to create that many Strays!” Gabriel explained.

Serafall couldn’t help but admit that Gabriel had a point. Any army of stray Devils would have required just as many Evil Pieces. Each Devil King only got 15 pieces. That would mean that Diodora had received help from at least 20 other High-Class Devils for his insane plan to attack the Vatican. It’s not like he could have grabbed those Strays from the human world either. There were at most around 100 Stray Devils on Earth at any one time. They were usually spread out all over the globe and incredibly hard to find.

Gabriel kicked Sirzechs next. His eyes rolled backward, and he passed out as well. “I don’t feel like talking with stupid,” she said before eyeing Serafall. “Are you stupid, Levia-tan~?”

Serafall was still able to shake her head. Gabriel had thankfully avoided hitting her in the neck or face during their fight. “No, I'm not stupid!” Serafall said immediately.

“Good, then you acknowledge that the Devils are now heavily in debt with the Heavenly Faction. A debt that will be repaid in full…” Gabriel said, narrowing her eyes.

Serafall shuddered under that gaze. What happened to the nice and happy Gabriel that Serafall loved to hate!? “...Yes, we will pay you back. Whatever you want…”

Gabriel snapped her fingers, and Serafall suddenly felt the broken bones in her limbs snapping back in place. She let out a hiss of pain; being violently healed was not a pleasant sensation. She stood up off the ground and dusted herself off. “Thanks for healing me?” she said questioningly.

Gabriel nodded while inspecting Serafall closely. “Hmph, I can’t have my future daughter-in-law looking like she got run over by a truck.”

“…What…?” Serafall felt like her brain had frozen momentarily.

“You said the Underworld was willing to pay us back with whatever I wanted. I want you… You will join my son’s harem, Serafall. Despite you being a filthy Devil, my son has always had a crush on you. He’s even watched every single episode of your TV show, despite my protests…” Gabriel said with a pout and muttered something about how she couldn't go “killing off her son’s favorite waifu.”

“What…?” Serafall asked again in confusion.

“I wonder if I should demand Grayfia while I'm at it?” Gabriel muttered to herself aloud. “Marcus does have a lot of girls at his mansion now, and they could use a maid to clean up once in a while. I’ll have to ask him when he gets back...”




Aeden Emrys

Yes! Demand Grayfia joins our MC! And please kill All For One before he or any of his minions gets near Asia! Thanks for the chapter! Can't wait to read more!

Adolfo Ramos

Maybe next time he travels to a different universe takes him to an isekai universe. he could get powerful magic, weapons or contracts beast.


I kinda like the various hero villain themed universes. I hope we get to see Invincible and Worm someday

Adolfo Ramos

She used marvel in one story and DC in this one and anime maybe other comic universe like image comics, dark horse or coffin comics.


The New Satans are the same as the Justice League. So afraid of being tyrants, they instead are deeply incompetent and borderline useless


Adding Serafall would be pretty funny. No Grayfia tho, splitting a marriage is weird and not something the MC should be ok with.