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Chapter 12:


My talk with Artemis had been going relatively well after I got her to stop crying in my arms. I read her text messages on the way over here to get an idea on what I was walking into. 

From Artemis: 

“You have wings!?”

“Why do you have wings!?

“They’re very nice looking wings…”

“I like them…”

“Can I touch them later?”

“Was that too forward?”

“I’m sorry!”

“I’d still like to touch them, though…”

The messages went on like that for a while. They were surprisingly cute from such a stoic girl. 

The fact that Artemis knew about my wings didn’t really surprise me. She was a vigilante and I’m sure the streets of Gotham were abuzz with gossip about me. Especially after my run in with Lady Shiva and Deadshot. If there’s one thing Supervillains seem to love in this town, it’s their gossip. It helps keep them informed of their competition and enemies. 

Despite that, Artemis was not aware of where my abilities came from. She was under the impression that I was simply a Meta-Human who resembled an Angel. 

“I’m not a Meta-Human, Artemis. My wings are completely natural. I am a Nephilim. My mother is the Archangel Gabriel.”

“What are you talking about, Marcus? Everyone knows Angel’s aren’t real. Religion is just a made up concept to control the masses! I–Isn’t it?” She asked hesitantly.

“It’s pretty much all real actually.

“Oh my God!” Artemis exclaimed before she let out a squeak. “Oh crap, did I just take the Lord’s name in vain? If he’s actually real, is that an actual sin!? Are sins a real thing!?”

She may have had a small existential crisis…

I had to reassure her that, no, she was not going to hell for swearing. God didn’t actually care about people taking his name in vain at this point. He actually found it pretty funny and realizes it was his own blunder that made everyone start doing it in the first place. 

Once we got past that part, Artemis was enthusiastic and wanted to know everything there was to know about the hidden Supernatural World! She was particularly interested in the various methods to take down Supernatural threats. She definitely had the heroic mindset. I gave her a quick run down about everything I could. Angels, Devils, Gods, and Yokai. Artemis listened attentively as I explained the gist of each hidden faction. I’m pretty sure that Artemis’s mother and sister were also listening in from around the corner.

Then the conversation shifted to where I had disappeared for two weeks…

Artemis was a bit more skeptical about the existence of other dimensions, but she seemed to believe the information since I was the one giving it all to her.

And finally, the conversation moved to the point I was dreading talking about... 

Kara and Megan. 

I talked about how they had gone with me to another dimension and how both of them had started an official relationship with me. I just had to rip the band-aid off, because there really wasn’t a nice way of sugar coating the fact that I had my own growing harem. I used the term “growing,” since Xenovia had followed me all the way to America from Italy as well. 

Artemis’s reaction to this final bit of news was about what I expected. It was actually a more tame response than I was prepared to face all things considered...


“OW! Why is your body so tough!?” Artemis complained with tears in her eyes after slapping me in the face. She was massaging her bruised hand while trying her best not to immediately start crying. “TWO OTHER GIRLS!? REALLY!?” Artemis yelled at me while backing away from my embrace.

I tried to step closer to her, but she held up her other hand.

“Get out. Just…get out, Marcus. I need time to think…” She trailed off, an expression of hurt on her face. 

I felt like a piece of shit seeing Artemis so emotionally hurt, but I did as she asked. I left her apartment and decided to give her time to properly think for herself. If she didn’t want to ever talk to me again, that was honestly perfectly understandable. 

I closed the door gently behind me with a sigh as I exited the apartment. “That went about as well as I expected…” 

“You know, I should stab you for hurting my little sister like that.” Jade’s voice called out from behind me.

I turned around and saw her holding a very sharp looking dagger while glaring at me. 

I was a lot tougher now with Four Wings, but she was still supposedly a member of the League of Shadows. I had no doubts that any weapon she carried was engineered to pierce super skin. 

“I’d probably deserve it too. I always knew there was a large possibility of me having a harem, considering my status, and I went out with your sister despite knowing that.” I admitted. “I’m sorry to you, Jade and I’ll apologize to Artemis if she ever talks to me again.” I said sincerely. 

Jade stood on the balcony in front of me in contemplation for a moment. She shrugged and sheathed her dagger. “You're so genuine that it honestly makes it hard to stay mad at you. And for the future, call me Cheshire. Jade was the name of a weak girl who doesn’t exist anymore.” 

There was clearly a lot of baggage in that statement, but it wasn’t my place to pry. “You got it… Cheshire. Do you think Artemis will talk to me anytime soon?” 

To my surprise, Cheshire grinned at me. “My little sister Artemis is a fighter. She might have been hurt and caught off guard by your revelation, but she certainly isn’t one to back down from what she wants. You should tell those two hussies to watch their backs, because I’m sure that Artemis is going to try and steal you back away from them. That’s just the kind of girl that she is!”

“Is that so?” I asked with a sigh of relief. 

Cheshire nodded before sauntering towards me. She stood up on her toes and leaned her head over my shoulder. “That’s right. We Nguyen women get what we want~. And if Artemis doesn’t want you, I certainly wouldn’t mind sharing a handsome man like you with two cute girls~.” She whispered in my ear teasingly.

I’m sure that I was blushing judging by the way she was snickering at my reaction when she backed away. “T–That’s good to know…” I muttered out loud. 

Cheshire patted my shoulder. “I didn’t expect you to be so innocent, lover boy.”

“I was raised in the church.” I replied.

“I suppose you were.” Cheshire said back to me. No doubt, she had been eavesdropping on my whole story to her sister.

“Before I head out, I wanted to offer something. I know your mother is in a wheelchair, and you obviously know the identity of my own mom now. I can ask her to stop by later and fix your mother’s legs.” I said. “And I’m not offering that just so Artemis will like me again, I would have made the offer regardless.” I added on.

“You want your mother, the Archangel Gabriel, to stop by our shitty apartment… To heal our former criminal mother?” Cheshire asked in almost disbelief. “...Our mother who used to kill people for a living?” Cheshire added with a raised eyebrow.

“I’d prefer it if she didn’t go back to killing people once she was healed.” I told her. 

“I doubt she will continue that life. Ironically, she seemed to have found her backbone after literally losing it. Plus, you put my father in prison so he won’t be able to force her back into that life anytime soon.” Cheshire said.

“Wait, what? I put your father in prison?” I asked.

“He’s currently locked up in Arkham.” Cheshire explained with a smile. She seemed very happy about that fact. There was clearly no love lost between father and daughter. 

Cheshire giggled. “Artemis and I’s father is Sportsmaster. The guy who you told me you took down earlier. I checked the inmate registry and found him there. I was under the impression that he simply cashed in the bounty himself and tried to screw me over. It’s not the first time he’s done something like that…” She added bitterly.

“Hockey stick guy is your father!?” I exclaimed in disbelief. How could I have forgotten a detail like that!?

“Pffft! H–Hockey stick guy!” Cheshire started laughing. “Haha yes, that's him alright. He used to be a pretty big deal in the underworld, but obviously he’s fallen off quite a bit. Artemis hates our father even more than I do, so I’m sure the news will put her in a slightly better mood.” Cheshire explained. 

“That’s good, at least.” I said before pulling out my phone and sending a message to mom. I gave her a brief rundown about Artemis’s mother along with her address. Before I could put my phone away, Cheshire swiped it from my hands and added her own number to my contact list.

She tossed my phone back to me before heading back inside. “It was interesting talking to you, handsome. I’ll see you around~.” She winked at me one last time and shut the door. 

With the most awkward part of my morning taken care of, I decided to head back to the hotel penthouse for now. I figured mom was done talking to Annie and Butcher by now. 

I needed a new place to live, and I wanted to get her opinion on home shopping in Gotham. I spread my wings and took off back into the skies. As I was flying over the city, I sensed a massive buildup of Holy Energy. It came from a weapon I was familiar with, Excalibur Destruction.

Xenovia had clearly found the Stray Devil and was in the middle of combat. I knew that she would be okay, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to make sure. I diverted my course in the air and started flying towards where I’d sensed the battle was occurring. 


Azazel held the tape recorder up to his face. “This is trial number 41 for Artificial Sacred Gear B-37. The purpose of this Sacred Gear is to produce high level fire and ice magic at the user's command. So far the tests have not been very fruitful, but I have a good feeling about this one.” Azazel pressed stop on the recording device.

The Artificial Gear was sitting on a table in front of him, with some magically reinforced safety glass between them. Azazel remotely started the Gear to see what would happen. The last test ended in an explosion due a failed combination of Phoenix feathers and Yeti hair. This time he was trying Yuki Onna hairs instead.

A grin formed on Azazel’s face as he observed the Gear activate properly on the table. An aura of heat and cold started to permeate the room at the same time. “Yes! Yes, I finally did it…wait! No! Dammit!”


The reinforced glass in front of him cracked from the force of the explosion. Azazel let out an annoyed sigh. “Every single Sacred Gear I try to make always ends up exploding. What am I missing? How did the Old Man manage to make them work?” He asked out loud while walking around the glass and inspecting the damage. Half his lab was wrecked, but that honestly didn’t bother him. He was used to his lab being destroyed almost daily at this point.

“You're missing out on the most important element if you’re trying to create a proper Sacred Gear.” A familiar voice called out behind Azazel. “I could tell you what it is you’re missing, but that would ruin the fun of experimenting for yourself.”

‘Someone snuck up on me!!’ Azazel’s eyes widened in panic! Who was he!? He was Azazel, the most powerful of all the Fallen Angels! Who could possibly sneak into his lab without himself noticing!?

His twelve Black Wings sprang up behind him as he prepared for combat. Azazel rapidly spun around with a Black Lightspear already formed in his hand. Before he could attack, he froze in shock.

“F–Father…” Azazel muttered in disbelief. “How!? You're supposed to be dead!” He exclaimed.

Yahweh grinned at Azazel. “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.” His father said, quoting Mark Twain of all people…

Azazel contemplated the implications of the statement. “So it would seem…” He replied warily. Part of Azazel always suspected his father was never truly dead. Michael and Gabriel always acted sad when their father was mentioned, but Azazel always suspected that’s all it was. Nothing but acting. “Congratulations for pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes. What are you doing here?”

“I can't just stop by to visit one of my own children?” Yahweh simply asked.

“It's kind of weird that a father would visit the son who he tried to kill.” Azazel snarked. He was annoyed that his father was acting like there wasn’t an ocean of bad blood between them.

To Azazel’s surprise, Yahweh simply waved him off nonchalantly. “Bah! I wasn't trying to kill you. We were simply having a little disagreement between family members. It wasn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things.”

“A disagreement that left millions of Angels and Fallen Angels dead!?” Azazel exclaimed angrily. “And it sure seemed like Michael and Gabriel were trying to kill us all! Gabriel in particular slew more Fallen Angels and Devils than anyone else ten times over!” 

Gabriel, his beautiful older sister, was an absolute demon on the battlefield. She showed no mercy to her enemies. Azazel liked to joke around about wanting to sleep with her, but frankly, she terrified him. 

He’d still give his left nut to sleep with her though…

“Trust me on this, Azazel. Gabriel and Michael were not using even close to their full powers. Neither was Lucifer or any of the other Archangels. If they were, your Faction would have been wiped out in mere minutes.” Yahweh said, completely serious.

Azazel gulped. His siblings were sandbagging!? By how much!? He always knew he was weaker than the Archangels, but he figured his intelligence made up for the difference in power. Was he wrong this whole time?

“And what about all of the dead Angels and Fallen Angels?” Azazel asked again. 

“I was always going to bring them all back to life once the fighting stopped. All of their souls have been perfectly preserved in stasis on heaven’s 8th level.” 

Azazel frowned. “Heaven only has seven levels. Everyone knows that…” 

His father winked at him. “Everyone would be wrong then.” Yahweh said with a laugh. 

Azazel couldn’t help it. He found himself laughing as well at the absurdity of all of this! It turned out that the entire Great War was never anything more than a small scuffle between siblings in his father's eyes! If all of his Fallen siblings' souls were still perfectly preserved, then that changed everything. 

“When are you planning on reviving everyone then? Can you even revive that many dead Angels at once!?” Azazel needed to know! 

“Not everyone all at once. Millions of Angels will take quite a bit of power. It will have to be done in smaller waves, but everyone who died during the Great War should be revived within 10-20 years.”

Azazel nodded. That was a perfectly acceptable number. Immortal beings like them had nothing but time on their hands after all. Azazel was contemplating what his other Fallen siblings would think about this groundbreaking news. He had no doubt that Kokabiel would be majorly pissed off. 

Kokabiel wanted nothing more than for the Great War to restart so that the Fallen Angels could dominate the world. It turned out that they never even had a chance apparently…

“And what about all the dead Devils?” Azazel asked his father. “Most Devils are under the impression that their souls end up destroyed when they die.”

Yahweh actually looked confused by his statement. “Destroyed? Why would they think that? Do people really think me so cruel?”

“You literally made it rain fire in Egypt…”

“That’s fair.”

“So that isn't the case?” Azazel asked.

“Of course not! I knew that most Devils were simply a product of their environment. The original generation was literally born evil. I set it up so that all Devils who die end up reincarnating as humans.” 

Azazel snickered. How fitting. Most Pureblood Devils looked down on humans. If they found out that they were all destined to become humans upon their deaths, they would all lose their shit. Azazel would pay to see some of their reactions to that news in person.

“It seems that everything was always a part of your plan then.” Azazel said with a sigh.

“Not everything…” Yahweh said. “The end of the Great War had some terrifying uninvited guests. Guests that almost swallowed our entire Universe

Azazel gulped. That sounded bad. The end of the Great War had always been a mystery to even him. All everyone knew was that God and Lucifer both ended up dead by the end of it. Obviously, that wasn't the case. “What happened at the end?”

“I'll tell you later,” Yahweh said. “Before that, I actually have a small favor to ask of you. I need your help getting something built for your nephew.”

“Sure. Which Nephew?” Azazel asked. He had…a lot of them to be honest. Pretty much every Fallen Angel, besides Kokabiel and his band of psychopaths, were horny 24/7. Almost half of the Grigori’s number were second generation Fallen Angels at this point.

“Gabriel’s son, Marcus. My heir!” Yahweh declared.

“What!? G–Gabriel’s s–son!? Your heir!?” Azazel sputtered. How did he not know of the existence of someone like that!?

Wait a minute. Gabriel had a son? That meant–

“Gabriel had sex!?” 

–Dick Grayson, AKA Robin–

“This is Robin, reporting in. I'm in the neighborhood where the string of disappearances have occurred.” Robin said into his earpiece communicator.

“Roger that, Master Dick. I would still advise you to wait for Batman to return from his trip to the Watchtower. For all you know, you could be going after a dangerous killer…or even one of those monsters Master Marcus warned us about.” Alfred replied over the comms. 

“I have some Holy Water in my utility belt if that's the case.” Robin replied. He was pretty sure Batman now carried Holy Water with him at all times as well.

“Just be careful, Master Dick.” Alfred said one last time.

“I will. There's a reason I'm doing this in daylight.” Dick said as he hopped across rooftops. According to Marcus, Low Class Devils were weaker in daylight, similar to vampires…which were also a real thing. 

Dick shuddered. Why did every single horror movie monster that scared him as a kid turn out to be real!?

He hopped over a couple more rooftops, heading towards the last known location of the latest reported missing person in this section of Gotham. 

“This is it.” Dick said as he dropped down into an alley. He spotted a couple of thugs loitering near where he landed.

“Oh shit, it's Robin! What do we do!?” One of the thugs asked the other two in panic.

Robin smirked at the thugs reaction. He liked that he was gaining a decent reputation with the thugs in Gotham. Robin tensed, he was expecting them to attack him.

This time, cooler heads prevailed. They didn’t make a move towards him.

“We ain't doing shit. We're just standing here.” The thug, who Robin suspected was the leader of the trio, spoke. “It's not a crime to just stand around, is it?” He asked snidely.

Technically it was a crime, called loitering, but no one really cared about that in Gotham. “I'm not here for you three.” Robin said. “I'm investigating all the missing people that have been reported around this neighborhood. You guys know anything about that?”

“It's about time!”

“Yeah, we know about that!”

“There's a god damn serial killer on the loose! The police aren't doing shit!”

The three thugs all changed their tunes and actually looked glad to see Robin. He knew that was a bad sign. Things must be really bad when the bad guys are happy to see a crime fighter on their own turf.

“Tell me everything you know.” He said to them.

–Harley Quinn, The New Exorcist on the Block!–

“Now this is the kind of hero team up I've been waiting for!” Harley said as she followed after the sexy church girl who had an absolutely killer body. Harley approved. Maybe she'd actually start attending church if it had more girls like Xenovia!

“I wouldn't really consider myself a hero…” Xenovia replied. “I mostly just hunt down monsters and kill them.”

“You're still protecting people. That's the definition of a hero! And you're not afraid to get your hands dirty either! I like that, church girl!” Harley said with a grin. “Let's be heroes together and take down this Devil!” She said while pumping her fist.

Ever since she broke up with Mr J, Harley had been considering going the hero route. Harley thought she would be a good hero! 

The best in fact! 

There was only a teensy tiny problem with becoming one for real…

The whole world still pretty much considered her a villain, and Harley had outstanding warrants in almost every single state in the US…and a bunch of other countries as well. 

Xenovia smiled at Harley. “Thank you. We're getting close. I can feel the air around us tainted with foulness. This Stray Devil is stronger than I was expecting.”

Harley grinned. “Then it's a good thing that there's two of us!”

Xenovia nodded while looking around the area. “Indeed. Now we just need to find which building the Stray is hiding in.”

Harley immediately pointed her finger at the small warehouse across the street and three buildings down. “It's that one.” She said. It was quite obvious.

“How do you know?” Xenovia asked.

Harley smirked. “This is Gotham City, toots. Criminals and villains always flock to abandoned warehouses.”

“We'll follow your lead then.” Xenovia said.

Harley grinned and rushed across the street. “Hell yeah! Let's do this!” She reached the warehouse doors and found them already partially open. Inside, she could hear the sounds of fighting and explosives being used. 

Very familiar sounding explosives!

“Darn it, the Bat is trying to steal our thunder!” Harley said indignantly. She wasn't letting Batman ruin her debut as an exorcist! This was her hero moment! Harley threw open the door and ran inside the warehouse. “Get out of here, Batman! This is Hero Harley's debut fight! Wait, you're not Batman...” 

Inside the warehouse, she found the twerp Robin running around throwing his batarang explosives as he ran for his life.

A large monster with the head of an alligator and the body of a goat was chasing after the boy-wonder. The monster was spitting some kind of green slime at Robin, who was dodging every which way.


Nevermind, that wasn't slime. It was acid. Quite potent acid, if the melting cement floor was anything to go by.

“Harley Quinn? What are you doing here!?” Robin exclaimed while ducking and dodging. “Get out of here! This monster is dangerous!” 

More meat! So hungry!” The Stray Devil gurgled out. Its long tongue slipped out of its mouth and licked its many razor sharp teeth. “I will eat you, clown girl!” It gazed at Harley with hunger in its eyes. 

“Normally, I love a guy with a long tongue, but you're just not my type.” Harley replied plainly. 

“Gross, Harley!” Robin yelled. He threw another batarang at the monster. It harmlessly bounced off of its scaley face.

Rawr! Stupid human! Hold still and let me eats you!” 

Xenovia finally caught up to Harley a few seconds later. “You're pretty fast on your feet, Harley!” She huffed out before taking in what was going on. “Oh no! The Stray is trying to eat a child! Run away little boy!” Xenovia called out to Robin.


“I'm not a little boy! I'm 13!” Robin complained to the blue haired girl wearing a ridiculously tight bodysuit. Robin was trying not to blush just looking at her! 

At the same time, he was still dodging for his life! “Stop with the freaking acid!” He yelled at the alligator-head Devil while diving out of the way again! A glob of acid flew over his head and started melting the metal warehouse wall behind him. 

Hold still, Num Nums!” The Stray roared and charged at Robin on four hooved feet. Robin flipped over the Stray and kicked it in the face with his steel toed boot. It stunned the man eating monster for a few seconds and allowed Robin to get some breathing room!

He reached into his utility belt, but soon realized he was out of Batarangs and bat-grenades! 

This whole situation had gone wrong from the start! He found the Devil's lair a few minutes ago and was going to ambush it with Holy Water. It should have been easy, he's ambushed hundreds of thugs in his short time as a hero. Sadly, the monster ended up ambushing him instead. It was able to smell him coming apparently! Robin dropped his bottle of Holy Water and it ended up shattering on the ground! Robin had used everything in his utility belt, and nothing had done any damage to the Stray Devil! 

‘And this is only a Low Class!’ Robin lamented internally. Realizing that he was outmatched, he started backing away towards Harley Quinn and the blue haired girl. He was loath to team up with a Supervillain, but there was strength in numbers Robin supposed.

“Get away from the caped child!” The blue haired girl charged forward. “Excalibur Destruction!” 

Robin’s eyes widened when he watched her pull out a giant sword from thin air! 


The floor exploded where her Greatsword made contact! Robin had no idea how that was physically possible. Magic annoyed him…

The Stray Devil managed to jump back, just in time to avoid most of the explosion. It hissed in fury at the blue haired girl.

“It’s Hero Harley time!” Harley Quinn charged forward holding a dripping wet baseball bat.

“Wait Harley, that’s not going to hurt this monster!” Robin tried to warn her.

“Mind your own business, short stack! The adults are playing now!” Harley jumped over the blue haired girl and swung her baseball bat down at the Stray’s head. Her bat made solid contact with the top of its alligator skull.


“Graaaahhh!” It let out a shriek of pain. The top of its head started to boil and burn.

Robin’s eyes widened in shock! How was Harley Quinn of all people hurting a monster like this with a regular wooden bat!?

“Hahahaha! Die monster! Harley Quinn is the new exorcist on the block!” She rapidly started swinging her baseball bat back and forth. Every blow she landed caused the Stray to scream in even more pain. “This is great for stress relief! I wish Gotham had more monsters that were this easy to take down!” Harley exclaimed with a manic smile grin.

The Stray reared up on its hind legs and donkey kicked Harley in the stomach. She let out a grunt of pain and took a couple of steps back. 

I kill you now!” The Stray hissed out. Half of its body was bubbling and boiling at this point. Robin suspected that Harley had somehow gotten ahold of Holy Water. 

The Stray’s threat was going to end up going unfulfilled. 

While Harley was keeping it busy, the blue haired girl circled around and was charging the Stray from behind. It was still standing on its hind legs and wasn’t able to properly dodge out of the way! 

“Die, Devil!” She leaped up and slammed her large blade directly through its back and out its chest!


Once again, her weapon caused an inexplicable explosion. The Stray’s upper half was blown to pieces. Bits of blood and entrails scattered all around.

“Gross…” Robin did his best not to gag. He knows that was a man eating monster, but watching it die like that still made him sick to his stomach.

“Wooo!” Harley cheered. “That was hardcore, Xenovia! Let’s do that again!” She ran over and high fived the other girl.

“I appreciate your enthusiasm, Harley, but that was the only Stray Lady Gabriel sensed nearby.” Xenovia said dryly. She pulled out a cloth, once again from seemingly nowhere, and started wiping down her bloody greatsword. 

Now that the fighting was over, Robin walked over towards the two women. “Thanks for the save…” He said begrudgingly. Batman was never going to let him live down the fact that Harley Quinn probably just saved his life. Although, at least she didn’t do it alone. Maybe Robin would just leave Harley out of the story when he later recounted today’s events to Batman…

“Awwwwwe…” Harley grinned at Robin, “You hear that, Xenovia? Batboy is thanking us! Isn’t that sweet?”

“My name’s not Batboy!” He replied with a pout. “I’m Robin!” 

“Whatever you say, pipsqueak.” Harley said. 

Robin didn’t feel like arguing further with a genuine crazy lady. He was going to introduce himself to the girl named Xenovia, but found that she was ignoring him. Instead, she was gazing at the entrance of the warehouse. Robin noticed that her face was flushed and she had a large smile on her face.

He turned to see what she was looking at. “Oh, hey Marcus. What are you doing here?” 


This was definitely an odd group I’d stumbled upon. I had expected to find Xenovia here when I sensed Excalibur Destruction. I wasn’t expecting Robin to be with her…or Harley Quinn. 

I waved at the three of them as I entered the warehouse. I had clearly missed the fight judging by the literal remains of Stray Devil scattered all around. Excalibur Destruction was a very messy weapon. 

“Hey, everyone. I was flying over Gotham when I sensed Xenovia’s presence. I wanted to check up on her.” 

That might have been the wrong thing to say in hindsight. Xenovia was already looking at me with desire, but now she was radiating borderline adoration.

“You were worried about me? You could sense me across the entire city?” Xenovia asked with a large smile. 

Her eyes were dilated and her breathing was starting to pick up as well.

Oh no…she was horny.

“I knew our true love was meant to be! This is a sign from God that we are destined to be together, Marcus! You should take me right here and now! Let’s make a baby!” Xenovia exclaimed in sheer delight! 

I could tell that she was completely being serious.

“W–What!?” Robin sputtered out. “A-A baby!?

“Hell yeah! Nothing beats some hot steamy sex after an intense battle! Especially with a smoking hot man like this!” Harvey Quinn cheered! She turned to Xenovia, “Do you have room for one more? I want in on this action!” 

Xenovia nodded her head. “Of course we do! Marcus is a man amongst men and will have many wives! However, I will be the first one he puts a baby inside!” 

“That’s fair, blue. I’m not even sure if I can get pregnant anyway after I took a bath in acid. I haven't had my period since then anyway…” Harley shrugged before turning back to me. She was eyeing me like a slab of meat.

“That matters not! Marcus is literal divinity! If he lies with a maiden, then they are sure to bear his children!” Xenovia proclaimed in reverence. She reached for her bodysuit’s zipper. I knew I had only a few seconds before she started getting naked. 

I immediately started backing away. This was why I tended to avoid long interactions with Xenovia. She really needed to calm down her horniness. I did not want to be a father yet!

“I’m glad you're okay, everybody. I was just stopping by to check and make sure. I just remembered that I have something to do. I’ll see you all later!” My wings reappeared behind me and I quickly flew back into the skies. I could hear Robin calling out behind me, but I was too afraid to turn back. I have no idea why Xenovia was with Harley Quinn, but I don’t think I could handle the two of them at the same time…

That was a whole lot of crazy…




Using the vs wiki tier list can you tell us what tier god and the angels and the rest of the cosmic family fall in


The archangels are celestials (DC) meaning they predate the multiverse. They should be multiversal beings at least in their true form. Gabriel, Lucifer and Michael should be a match for any endless except Destiny or Death depending on how it's written


Did having yahweh in his soul change Marcus' soul? Like I know it's a given that the bearer of the nemean lion sacred gear gains affinity for earth magic, canis lykon gives affinity for shadow, draig and albion make the users have semi draconic souls, etc. Does marcus have a higher soul potential, purer higher quality holy power, or something? An affinity for creation or simply an affinity for everything?


In which case Marcus has absurd potential. Mother is a celestial. Father is better than Crona (yeah Crona develops higher level shit in the comics, but he's also ageless). Bearer of True Longinius. Soul expanded by the Creator. Has quests from family to travel to multiverse with safety (at least he won't be one-shotted by something horrible)