~~~LIVE STREAM~~~: VIP$ ONLY (request for feedback) (Patreon)
Hello patrons! (this used to say "Hello paypigs" but Eli said I should change it)
We are thinking of starting a once a month patrons-only livestream. We had so much fun doing Eli's little art show with you a few months ago and want to do more live stuff for da fans (especially if we can incentivize you to stay home and watch us instead of going out and spreading the novel coronavirus covid 19). So - we have some questions for you:
- What would you like to see us do in a livestream? Games you want us to play (video games, party games, board games, etc), Q&As, discussions of news stories that didn't make the main show, etc. We're pretty open to anything.
- When would you be most likely to tune in?
- Any other things that would make you more or less likely to watch/participate? Let us know! We're hoping to do our first one soon and we hope to see you there.