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So! Bet you're all wondering what else I've been up to this month. Well, I'll try and be brief about it.

I've been working on trying to get a male night guard made for future animations. I've done some concept art and handed the design off to a friend, who's begun modelling the guy. I've decided to call him Gordon.

When his model is finished and rigged, I'll be releasing him publicly for free. The main goal is to create a model that anyone can use in their NSFW FNAF projects with a style that matches what's been established in Security Breach.

As for something that isn't FNAF related...

I've be working on some models for my OCs instead of just FNAF stuff on the side, for my own personal enjoyment. I wanna be able to make stuff involving them in the future too, so here's a WIP of my OC Cherry.

Besides that, I've also been working on a Proto Freddy that will hopefully be released soon. And once Gordon's released, I'll start to get that large CB animation done thanks to having a good model available. I hope you're all excited for all this to come!



Cool, can’t wait for more animations to come out