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Hey guys! :) Here's another month, so it's time to gather your ideas again :)

Feel free to post things about your ideas and suggestions here in the comments. You can post ideas, references, ANYTHING you’d just like. I’m going to pick from your ideas (I don’t know how many, sometimes, more, sometimes less). If I do one of your ideas, then the sketch will be dedicated to the person who suggested it :) And don’t forget, these are the sketches you’ll be voting for at the end of each month, so there is a chance that your idea will be made into a fully detailed, rendered picture :)

But keep in mind these are nothing to do with commissions, so please do not request your original characters. But character designs, scenes, SFW and NSFW, fanart, literally anything else is okay.

As much as I'd love to do all the ideas, I'm forced to choose only a few to fit them into my time. So if your ideas didn't get picked, feel free to post them again, but PLEASE KEEP THEIR NUMBER TO A REASONABLE AMMOUNT!

So don’t hold back, let the ideas flow! :D



Boxer Briefs

Chili and Miraelle as the Grinch and his dog for Christmas


Cyber dog from fallout new Vegas

Jonathan Burns

Tree of Life cast dressed as pilgrims and Indians on the first Thanksgiving

Not Telling

The Witch version of the Princess from the visual novel "Slay the Princess"


Shani and Darnell watching on the sidelines an orgy of their magic clones going at it with strangers- random females being naughty with clone Darnells, and random males naughty with clone Shanis.


Several of your nsfw couples use magic to switch bodies with other couples and have a unique experience; can you imagine Darnell in shark boy's body? lol


Zaphira and her sisters as belly dancers


Blood dragon from far cry 3 blood dragon https://farcry.fandom.com/wiki/Blood_Dragon#:~:text=Blood%20Dragons%20are%20the%20titular,are%20called%20BDs%20for%20short.


Movie posters in hand painted African style of either: Welcome to New Dawn. Tree of Life Wishes 1 The Prophecy


Cart bondage: One of your couples engaging in the type of BDSM play where the submissive partner tows around a cart, buggy or chariot in which the dominant partner sits at the reigns. I think they call it pony cart play. This sort of thing: https://i2.wp.com/misterajc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Make-Way-For-Pony-Girls-717x627.jpg Perhaps its Mira pulling Chili.