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Hey guys! :) Here's another month, so it's time to gather your ideas again :)

Feel free to post things about your ideas and suggestions here in the comments. You can post ideas, references, ANYTHING you’d just like. I’m going to pick from your ideas (I don’t know how many, sometimes, more, sometimes less). If I do one of your ideas, then the sketch will be dedicated to the person who suggested it :) And don’t forget, these are the sketches you’ll be voting for at the end of each month, so there is a chance that your idea will be made into a fully detailed, rendered picture :)

But keep in mind these are nothing to do with commissions, so please do not request your original characters. But character designs, scenes, SFW and NSFW, fanart, literally anything else is okay.

As much as I'd love to do all the ideas, I'm forced to choose only a few to fit them into my time. So if your ideas didn't get picked, feel free to post them again, but PLEASE KEEP THEIR NUMBER TO A REASONABLE AMMOUNT!

So don’t hold back, let the ideas flow! :D




• [NSFW; Size/Tentacle Play]: Alexander and Gloria having one of their kinkier moments. • [NSFW] Some 69 action with any one of your couples. • [Semi-NSFW] Zaphria as a Naga glomping on Shen. • [NSFW]: Any one of your couples sharing a private moment together at a nude beach.

Demiebow Skiema

1. Evie feeding a swarm of bats, Estella sitting scared on the floor 2. Pinup of a cute chubby hamster (f or/and m, doesn't matter) or maybe one of the couple same species pictures you used to do back in the day but with hamsters (for example: sketches 281-283) 3. Evie and Stella eating Crêpes while colourful leaves are falling down, while walking down a small path in a forest 4. Miraelle's parents fighting the evil 5. The Knights of Life going candy hunting for halloween (Nigel stealing all the candy maybe?)


Evie and Estella dressed as X Men Characters,no clue which ones


Couples from two different of your erotic comics doing the swinger thing. Beelzebub queen bee (Helluva Boss) nude fanart Lesbian erotic scene with your queen bee getting her pussy licked by Beelzebub, maybe with your bee sitting on Beelzebubs face, with Beelzebub lapping up the honey she produces while in orgasmic bliss. (Makes thematic sense too, Beelzebub being the queen of gluttony and all.)

Joseph Purves

Last call for Halloween sketches 3 through 12 until August 2024. On Sketch suggestions 3 through 10, can you put them all in a big Halloween party? They can still be their own sketch if you like. 1. Can we see some of the ladies in Playboy Bunny Suits before the Year of the Rabbit ends, please? Betty, Bryta, Dahlia, Evie, Estella, Gloria, Shani, Nora, Zaphira, Luna, Miralle, and Chili would look best in them. 2. Nigel or Estella's father as a member of the Yellow Lantern Corp, or whoever you think is best suited. 3. Estella as Morrigan Aensland and Evie as Lilith from the Darkstalkers series. 4. Alexander as Davy Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean and Gloria as Risky Boots from The Shantae series. Or a Pirate wearing a tube top and a bandana. ( If you like, you can have them fighting Shani as Shantae and Darnell as Bolo.) 5. Alma wearing Roman royalty looking at Bryta as a Roman Gladiator. They can be themselves or as monsters from Clive Barker's Jericho. 6. Darnell as Garrett from the Thief series or as a hooded figure sneaking into Vampirella Shani's bedroom while Shani is waiting for him in her bed or Darnell sneaking in a long hallway with Vampirella Shani right behind him or above him hanging upside down with a grin that says: This poor fool. He's cute though. 7. Zaphira as the Viper Queen and Shen as an XCOM Agent from XCOM 2. Or as Mummies. 8. Christopher as Frankenstein and Nora as Frankenstein's wife. 9. Luna as Elvira or a haunted tree surrounded by Miralle, Chili, Leopold, Tristan, and Nigel in Skeleton costumes. Maybe have Nigel trying to throw eggs or toilet paper at Luna. 10. Rah'jan as Freddy Krueger or Jason Voorhees. 11. Lily and Jana'rah Trick or Treating with their parents. If you like, you can match their costumes with what their parents are wearing from the sketch suggestions. 12. Bobby and Betty celebrate Halloween at the Orphanage as bedsheet ghosts.


1. Miralle, Chili, Leopold, Tristan, and Nigel in a punk band. Nigel, of course, is lead scream--singer. Yeah, singer. 1A. Maybe they should be in a K-pop band instead. 2. For Halloween, Our Heroes dressed as the OG X-Men. Not sure if Luna should be Professor X, though. 3. Luna dressed as a Pirate Queen. 4. The girls judging a "Best Boy's Bum" contest. (Leopold would be WAY out front in this one.) 5. The lads judging a "Greatest Girl Glutes" contest. (Chili will, of course, win handily.)


Characters celebrating Oktoberfest

Jonathan Burns

something with elephants or rhinos


Characters I love to see in your style Naked Penny SCP-5094 Princess peach Aria the animation Characters I want to see more of (SFW or NSFW) Gloria Shen Nora Darnell and Shani Dina Places I would like to see Orgy room Gaming convention Plant apartment Deltarune hometown


I would like to see you do a sketch of Beast Wars Blackarachnia


Scp 469 Since chili loves fire I was wondering if you could draw her wearing Garfield Lynns (firefly) suit maybe you could do the Arkham knight version with the Burt skin https://arkhamcity.fandom.com/wiki/Firefly


A mind flayer otaku going to a convention to get an autograph/picture with you while you're sweating bullets.


- Any of your feline character facing off Alf. If you don't know who Alf is, he's an alien in an old family sitcom. He's like a cute little puppet that you would see in muppets, but one of his main traits is that he likes eating cats. Like he tried to cook the family's cat in a soup or make a sandwich out of it to no success. You could make it out of a horror sketch or a grand battle to the death depending on which character(s) you are using. -Darnell shedding his skin, and Shani is willing to help him. Unfortunately shedding scales takes a lot of time to remove and pulling it too fast is equivalent to having your hair waxed and pulled. Shani pulled the old scales too much and Darnell felt a lot of pain that day. -Gloria telling Lily a scary story about the Chupacabra. Maybe an added bonus of Alexander fighting an actual chupacabra in the background without his family knowing it. -A young scrawny Cornelia trying to lift weights to get her adventuring bod while Ruby is giving her a lot of emotional support. -Evie with her used tissue collection inside her briefcase -A giant hoodie post where Estella is inside the hoodie with Evie having an intimate moment -Evie and Estella sleeping with body pillows of each other (whenever Estella is traveling out of town) -The aftermath of the final pillow fight between Rah'Jan and Nora


Rescue hostage. Estella busting down a door, and screams: "NO ONE TIES DOWN MY RAY OF SUNSHINE EXCEPT FOR ME!!!!!!" Meanwhile there's Evie tied in a chair and gagged but her eyes showed a lot of joy and relief for her savior. There's a few kittennappers shivering in fear for the worst ass whooping of their lives. -Christopher in a maids outfit -Christopher fighting a monster and Nora wearing a cheerleader outfit in the background giving him moral support -A male Evie (Ethan) and a male Estella (Esteban) -Evie in any Eevee Pokemon costume (I personally go with Leafeon) to make her become an Eeviee -Evie literally abducting a turtle person for her pet collection -Remember when Nora mentioned Chris' soft cock felt like a pillow from your comics? Yeah, do something involving her resting on his crotch like a pillow. -On the other side of the spectrum, have Christopher's head resting on Nora's chest. - Some fan art of Hi Fi Rush. Maybe even have Jana cosplaying as Chai in the same way that you did with Mira and Hades


Tree of life in its original “clothing less” form.


Minerva mink


Estella going through a midlife crisis


Shani and Darnell with their future kids


The kinky husbands doing a striptease for their dirty wives


The Knights of life cosplaying as Five Nights at Freddy's animatronics.


Smaug from The Hobbit both anthro and reimagined as a tree of life character.


I am wondering if you would draw this cut owl https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uBWOmRLoJBg&pp=ygUhbWVzcyB3aXRoIHRoZSBmbG9jayBnZXQgdGhlIGdsb2Nr

Jonathan Burns

Trish & Mango from Goodbye Volcano High

Boxer Briefs

The ToL characters in the style of Animal Crossing

Boxer Briefs

The ToL characters in the Animal Crossing style


Nora dreaming about being pregnant with Chris children Or Gloria being pregnant with Lilly


Cart bondage: One of your couples engaging in the type of BDSM play where the submissive partner tows around a cart, buggy or chariot in which the dominant partner sits at the reigns. I think they call it pony cart play. This sort of thing: https://i2.wp.com/misterajc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Make-Way-For-Pony-Girls-717x627.jpg For a more specific example: Perhaps Estella was being too rough with Evie in the bedroom again: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/38619248/ and accidently broke Evie’s leg this time. So to make it up to her, Estella is now the submissive. Evie is making Estella tow her around in a cart.