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Yaay! It's done! Hope you like it guys. I like how this turned out. It was a looong road, but finally I could finish her. I have some other sketches about girls with artificial parts, but I'm not sure which character would be the next. But maayybee the Nordic Dragon Trainer would be good. 




Wow. Wow! WOW! That's awesome! How long did it take in total?


hmm, roughly 4 days. Not in a row but I can divide the progress to 4 parts. One day I come up with the idea and the design, then after I spent another day doing the lineart. In the third time, I did the flats with some really basic shades, and the fourth day I added all the shades and the little lights. :) So this feesh took so much time, but worth it totally. I don't know the time when I had so much energy to do full detailed personal works.