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Since there was no Wishes page today, here's a handsome lad instead!

I've wanted to make a pinup with Darnell for a long time, because I really like the outfit I made for him for Wishes 3. But better late than never, right? :D I tried to add fitting details to him too, and I had so much fun during the process, so I hope you like it! :)

Over the years, many of you have asked if he is a tall D&D goblin, or perhaps a dragon. Actually, I don't think he's either. Back then, I just wanted to come up with an easy to draw lizard lad :)




I always took Darnell for an unusually tall kobold, but that also may be my love of kobolds talking :P

J. Cook

Mmmmmm... beefcake. So tasty.


I figured with the horns he had to be a dragon.


Handsome boy!!


Huh? All this time I thought he was a dragon, but I guess the horns threw me off. Regardless, my boy looks very dashing.

Austin Judes

I thought he was just a lizardfolk of some kind till wishes 3 and he wasn't bothered by the cold in the slightest while Shani, a sabretoothed tiger, was. Then I thought he had to have some dragon in him. But this is also a comic with a magic multiplication potion so I shrug.

Lucanid Landman

I always assumed he was your take on a kobold. Either way, he is quite handsome.

Jenna West

Handsome man 😍

pj wolf

He looks very good in this outfit! Guess he's very hot blooded to wear so little in a very cold environment.




Interesting choice on the pants having a slot for the tail as well, really good incorporation.

Preston Hall (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-31 21:57:01 Showing my nerd here: if you need a D&D race for him, he is a Dragonborn.
2022-10-29 04:19:47 Showing my nerd here: if you need a D&D race for him, he is a Dragonborn.

Showing my nerd here: if you need a D&D race for him, he is a Dragonborn.