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Hey guys... So the mighty migraine attacked again, and I can barely keep my aching eyes open, so I don't think I'll be able to make the next Wishes page in time. I'll be back with continuing Tree of Life next week.

Thank you for your understanding!



pj wolf

Life can be so cruel... Hope you feel better soon!

Dan Curtis

Don't know if this will help you at all but with my migraines I rub some peppermint oil on my temple and it helps me gain some relief.


Still like that pic


Sounds interesting! I know a lot of various things can cause migraine simptoms, smells, lights, sounds, pressure. Usually I have eye migraines, the pain starts around my eyes. Peppermint oil sounds seems like a good test to me, along with a cold coca cola. I certainly don't want to use medication if it's possible or laying down for the whole day.


My favorite part is Evie's expression as she bites "Life"'s shoulder.