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[UPDATE: Well, it looks like we managed to totally go off the road with the last one, because we know that a house robbery and pickpocketing are two very different things. But when the idea came for that picture, we laughed so hard, we just went with that idea instinctively... I hope you are still okay with it, guys ^^;]

Here's the finished September Q&A :)

I'm always happy when Nigel's personality can shine through these Q&As :D

Hope you like them ^^




Panel 1: I like how Evie is now getting the larger version of her older pets. The next level is to kidnap a snail person and a turtle person. Panel 2: 👍 Panel 3: I'm always curious if Evie tried to imagine Estelle's fur being orange so she can pretend that she's with a tiger to further her orange fetish. Panel 4: You steal either by making no traces that no one notices you, or doing it in style.

Joseph Purves

When are you going to post the August 2022 Q&A on all your other accounts?

Alex Bourdages

I love seeing Christopher holding "normal" sized things. It looks like he's trying to unwrap a candy holding that fishing rod.


Evie will bring home larger and larger turtles until she finally finds one with a huge, flat planet on its back :D


Evie is secretly an X-Men, and her ability is to see all shades of orange :D

Viro Veteruscy

Hahaha! Nice! Orange is my favorite color so this works well lol. Her and Cypher from X-Men would be a fun pair X3


Yay. I got picked :3 And that is a very cute turtle. I don't understand the fuss ^^


Being a fashion designer, you’d think Stella would have more appreciation for different shades.


Lol, it's okay Darnell. I don't know how to talk to guys either. Thanks for picking my question.


Seeing Chris out of his armor, (and not naked in bed with Nora), actually provides a really good idea of the size difference between him and the common man on a purely muscular level, man is a freak of nature and I love it. I think we need more casual Chris, "Who's with me?"

pj wolf

Funnily enough, NEITHER Nigel nor Tristan are pickpocketing. They are robbing houses, but it is an interesting methodology that the two diverge quite harshly on which is funny. Pickpocketing is where someone steals something from someone's pocket, generally while passing them on the street or perhaps after "accidentally" bumping into them. either Darnell is bi and trying too hard with such a massive man as Chris, or, the slightly more likely option, is looking for guy friends and is just goofy. I now know what my next question will be next month

Simone Spinozzi

noboy ain't got time fo' that! ❤️