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Here's the finished page 16.

While I was sketching this page, I had a sudden idea to add a familiar skull to the collection of the Hall of Ancients. I'm sorry guys, it's totally canon :(

Hope you like it ^^




Wait who's the skull? Don't tell me it's that bird guy who was riffing on Alexander in the prequel comic. :(


Sledar's Dead? Good...

Alex Bordo

Not Berdly

pj wolf

...So Sledar the God is now past tense. Does this mean the Hall of Ancients is basically a graveyard for deities?


And so the ground crumbled, the sky fell, the seas dried, heroes long past their prime set aside their pride to hand the mantle of the future to those that represent it... For so we turn to our graves, the best of us walk from their cradles, and prepare to allow the world one more era of peace. They are our children, they are our hope, they are the future, for if we trust them, Shall all the darkness in the world, fail, to snuff the light from but a single candle.


You see it right :) This is a resting place of gods and the greatest heroes.