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It seems like I've lost against the migraine once again... I had to delay the previous Tree of Life page, and now I have to do the same with today's Wishes page...

I'll try to get my eyes and head working again, and I guess I'll spend some time working on some smaller things. Thank you for your patience and understanding, and I hope this will not happen again any time soon...



Hey, We’re only human. Hope you feel better soon.


Being healthy is the sexiest thing you can do. Take your time.

Simone Spinozzi

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We understange:D Anticipation is often created by life's hindrances, don't knock yourself too hard for it.

Lord Chaos

Get well first.

pj wolf

Migraines are a biiiiiiiiiiiitch. Hope you feel better soon (though more recent comments seem to indicate that you do, huzzah)!