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Here's the finished April Q&A :)

Hope you like them ^^




I love everything about the first panel.


That annoyed Chris panel is fantastic. Also, holy. That back shot of nudist Stella...!


He looks so cute in the pink robe XD

pj wolf

I love Alexander bein' a little shit. And I guess it's teasing Evie o'clock?


Alyways a joy seeing these. Characters all casual like they are movie stars.


Panel 1: I can't believe Alexander would do such thing. What kind of god would use their child to spread their religi- *look at t* wait a minute. Panel 2: I always love seeing the BTS of creating characters and stories. It's interesting how many of our works evolve over the creative process. Panel 3: At least Evie mustered enough strength to go to a nude beach. Makes you think why she wants to go, but don't want to be nude herself 🤔 Panel 4: It was kinda your fault accepting Rah'jan mucus like a crazy fan girl. Like WTF Evie, I thought you were the sane one out of the two.

Revan Delmore

Panel one is my favorite. I love the pink bathrobe and Alexander hiding in the bushes with that grin.


I can't tell which one I find funnier...Chris in his pink robe being annoyed by a kid, or evil Estella creeping in the background with a bath brush. XD


XD the first one is so clever XD and I really like the third too :3