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Another month, another chance for a brand new Q&A, so let's get started! :D

You can ask Estella and Evie, or other characters from my comics, or even me here in the comments, and I'm going to chose a few one to answer with a very simple little sketch. So ask anything you like, and remember, you can have as many questions as you'd just like :) And don't worry if your question wasn't answered, you can ask them again next time :)

You can ask your questions until March 10, and I'll try to post the answers on March 11.

So don't hold back those questions, and have fun! :)




• To Alexander + Gloria: ▪︎ What's your guy's ideal Anniversary/Date Night?


• To Lily: ▪︎Have you ever done something you were told not to do out of curiosity?


To Bryta: how many of the girls of your tribe have shared your bed? To Evie: how do you like Estella to make love to you? (Passionately/Romantically, Rough, etc, etc)

Proper Gander

Evie, u cute. (Wait that’s not a question)


To anyone: Who do you main in Smash Ultimate?


To Estella and Evie: Sprigatito, Fuecoco, or Quaxly?

Matthias Preissl

Rah'Jan: Your daughter obviously got a lot of musical talent from somewhere. Have you ever been in a band? You seem like the garage metal type. Also Rah'Jan: How do you feel about actually getting to be a serious villain for once? (And to Alexander: How insufferable has he been about it? :P)


How would each character draws themselves?

Parker Trotter

How many different kinds of Ensafir are there?


Where’s Dahlia now?

Agrith Zaylum

Who would be the worst to sleep in the same bed with?


With all the interesting clothing in tree of life, has there been any wardrobe malfunctions?


To Chris: How long did it take you to dig out those precious rocks in the basilisks stomach?

Infinite Warlock

To Chili: We've seen your affinity to all things spicy, but what about the opposite end of the spectrum? How tolerable are you to things that are COLD or even things that are SOUR?

Joseph Purves

To Zaphira and her sisters: What are your thoughts on Mongooses? Do any of you hate them or do you think they are o.k.?

Joseph Purves

To Cornelia: Mind if I ask how you got your scars?

Joseph Purves

To Cornelia: How many fighting styles, techniques, and/or signature moves do you know?

Joseph Purves

To Darnell: Have you killed or injured anyone during your time as a thief?

Joseph Purves

To Gloria: Have you heard or seen a Chupacabra? If so, what are they like?

Joseph Purves

To Miralle: During your Childhood, have anyone called you obnoxious or spoiled? Or have you been spoiled at all during that time?

Joseph Purves

To Alexander, Christopher, Darnell, and Shen: Do any of you remember the first woman you hook up with? Or had any romantic relationship before? Or where and how did you guys learn about sex for the first time?


To Estella and Evie... In the near Future will you two get an Erotic Comic? Or is that not okay

Joseph Purves

To Estella: Have you thought about becoming a Professional Fighter? It could help you with both your anger issues and your fashion company.

Joseph Purves

To Estella and Evie: Have either of you two shed any hair or fur? If so, how do you deal with it?

Joseph Purves

To Zummeng: Can you give us a brief history with you and video games? Like what was your 1st game and system you played it on, favorite genre, favorite games, how many consoles you played and have, and how often you and your husband play them nowadays?

Joseph Purves

To Zummeng: When you're making your Erotic comics why do you have words around your characters during sex scenes? Unlike when you made "Gift from the Water God" and "Wishes".

Joseph Purves

To Zummeng: How do you decide on making pictures based on memes and trends? Or why haven't you done the Art Summary, Shirt Cut, Starbucks, or Gris swimsuit memes?


To Sledar: how many people have you been able to save from the Chaos? Before you knew such a person existed, have you ever felt the presence of the 'mastermind' (Jan) through any of your encounters with the infected?


To Christopher and RahJan, I’m dying to know: who would win in an arm wrestling match?? And would you lean on a table, or stand like they did in the movie Predator?


To Sledar: before or after your outburst with the other Gods around page 76, have you ever lost your composure before? I understand it would be hard to admit to. Have you and Godvig ever done anything together to unwind?


To Alex: have you ever taken Lily to Disneyland, in spite of the lines? Have you had a tendency to pick ocean-themed getaway/vacation locations, and has this become something Gloria or Lily have noticed?


I would love to know what Chris’s home was like. :3


To Tristan: do you still remember your adoptive chicken mother? Do you ever visit her coop?


To Estella does Evie have a cutie booty and if so...can you prove it?

amelia elodie

nora! Do you have any friends you will miss now that youre free? Do you have a close friend?

pj wolf

Psst. Hey Alex. You looked like you hit the drinks pretty hard during that spa day... no regrets, right? Can you even get drunk?

pj wolf

Okay, Dahlia, you left the brothel. Now what?

pj wolf

Sledar, Loria, let's be real. Have either of you actually used "I'm a god and I want to do you"? Follow up, has it worked?

Darth Drakus

To Gloria: with your husband being the Water God, has he tried any water related kinks in the bedroom with you? Or would you have to do it in a bathtub? Or a swimming pool?


To Anyone, but mostly Jan: the Chaos...it's not just a substance, but a force. It's part of the new world order: blood, fire, steel, and the Chaos. It can be wielded - it was used for destruction in the past, but has anyone been able to use it for creation? Can the unpredictable and notably malicious Chaos be tamed? Used to raise cities and grow nations just as much as it can be used to bring them down? I ask because it's important...the world you live in has this permanent addition to the elements. It corrodes things when left unchecked, but it cannot diminish itself any further than it's basic form - an energy. What will the world of the living do with it?

Not Telling

How could anyone possibly find Nora's personality grating?

Boxer Briefs

To Zummeng, since you and Dasch are both European, do you imagine all of your characters with European accents?


Nora & Chris: You both are rather toothy and I love it. But, how much toothpaste do you two go through?


Zummeng: Are there any Artist's OC's you like the design of? For one reason or another? Like, color choice, hairstyle, overall aesthetics, ect.


To Anyone: ▪︎ Who's gets the saltiest during board game night?


To Any/All Married Couples: • Who's the most cuddlesome of you lot?


To Gloria & Nora: • What are the benefits of having a strong/tall husband?


To anyone or everyone: what's you favorite genre of music?


Darnell, have your DIY skills improved yet? Chocobo ladies: do you prefer saddles or bareback riding? Brothel cleaning lady, have you found a better job? Snail people, do you have to watch your salt intake? Zummeng, how do you plot your comic pages? Do you know beforehand how many pages a comic will take?


To Chili: we know your love of hot, spicy foods but how do you feel about cold foods like ice-cream or mint?

Simone Spinozzi

>.> <.< We demand to know the truth. First you hide from us the writer of "the final romance" now you hide from us the glass golem's fate. Are they one and the same?


Nora, what or who does your voice sound like?


Dahlia where did you go? Did you go have your own adventure, open your own shop/tavern, or got married?


To Luna: In Elden Ring, I recently came across an optional Boss with some similarities to you. "Ancestral Spirit." Anyone you knew?


• To Godvig: ▪︎ Does it bother you having only one good arm?


To Christopher: What was the most embarassing thing Nora has done in public?


To all your Characters,if you guys played DnD who would be the Dungeon master

pj wolf

Are Christopher and Nora about to burden a whole bunch more cleaning ladies now?


Evie: do you still have the first orange sweater Stella made you?


To Christoper: what did you look like as a child?


For whoever'd like to answer: How's your day going? ^o^


To Luna: Okay this might be heavy spoiler territory, but I'm dying to know. What is your relationship to Lady Death? You mentioned her in the prequel comic, but I'm curious if she's like a twin sister that was born around the same time as you did or one of your child like the other gods.


To Luna: Why is saki your go to drink?


To Alma: Are you the only one who makes the magical honey or it's a family thing where the magic pass down from mother to daughter?


To Nigel and Estella: Out of these categories who had it worse? Worse parents and worse anger issues?


To Nora: Have you done any oral sex, or were your clients too terrified of your chompers?

Maygray Heron

To Rah'Jan: Ever tried one of Chili's spices?


To Alexander, Christopher, Shen & Darnell: How often do any of you tend to your wife's needs?

pj wolf

Okay I'll just ask it straight out: Alex, do you have a thing for Christopher? I mean, not that I blame you because... I mean, look at him!


To Evie: Do you find Estella more attractive with or without glasses?

stephane aubertin

To Evie and Estella : Do your ever think about adopting kids from the orphanage your friends own now


To Shani : Did one of your previous masters/mistress ask you to genderbend and for what reason exactly (erotic or other)?


Who is the best hunter between Darnell and Nigel? (or maybe more like the less worse) Prove it please


• To Nigel: ▪︎ Why do you insist on blaming Luna for your woes? Why not your parents?


To Alexander & Christopher: ▪︎ What's your thoughts on aquariums?


To Bryta, can you show us the goods? 😤


To Nigel, has your horn ever caused you problems? Like being stuck?

Starman Leo

To Zummeng: Have you ever considered selling the completed comics as hardcover books/comics?