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Here's the finished page 62.

A lot of you wanted the owner to be knocked out, so I found a way to do just that :D

Hope you like it ^^




My guy just dropped the equivalent of Fort Knox in their universe apparently, and still asks is it enough to buy the woman he cares for freedom… Don’t ever change Christopher 😊


“I’ll take that as a yes” 😌


If option 1 won't work then he has to resort to option 2 a.k.a the funnest option


That'll change his mind.


Nora's face 😂

Viro Veteruscy

Seriously, with Chis' occupation, Nora will be well taken care of :3 Also, yay more Dahlia! :3

Leo G.

I never wanted him to be knocked out. I just wanted him to be thoroughly insulted, threatened, then blatantly ignored while he watched his most prized possessions (I use this term in the loosest possible sense, as people are not possessions — and I mean all the girls) calmly walk out, leaving him alone, penniless, terrified, and utterly (emotionally) broken like the worthless pile of garbage he is. It’s too bad that Christopher doesn’t know a certain former djinn and person of “flexible morality” who also happen to need a new life. They’d probably do a great job running a brothel if they tried.


That is a lot of cheddar 👑


My man Christopher is too generous as always.




He fucking faints!!! I’m Dying!!!!🤣😂😭

pj wolf

It took Christopher a few months to amass that much gold and riches. Dude could be stupid rich if he cared to be. But... he doesn't value this beyond what it can buy to equip him, but does recognize that others value it. As for whether I wanted the owner knocked out... I admit there would be a certain *visceral* pleasure in seeing that jerk physically assaulted for the continued insults he's done to Nora. But honestly, seeing him admit that Nora's his most profitable girl is something in and of itself. Maybe Chris'll be back for the rest of the girls, altruistically.


He likes shiney


Quick, finish him while he's down! Also, Nora needs to teach him how to negotiate instead of just openning with all the cash he has on him.


Take note ladies, treat a man right and he will move mountains for you


truly iconic


she must have the biggest ladyboner considering her expression in the last panel XD

Simone Spinozzi

😅 with that kind of money i'd have just bought the joint venue and made work more comfortable for all the girls, possibly checking on how money was spent so that the ladies would get better treatment in general, but i guess the man does not think in that way. 😂

Parker Trotter

That is about how I imagined that going. 😎👍


Not gonna lie, but I really like the lizard in the last panel

pj wolf

Oh, uh, late arrival to this, but panel one should read "I can't just sell one of my most profitable girls"


Looks like somebody needs to be treated from a stroke/heartattack XD