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I don't think I'm too special in this matter, so just like a ton of other artist, yeah, I tend to look at other's artworks a tiny bit diferetly when it comes to criticizm than I look on mines… ^^; I just wanted to capture this feeling with this little comic thingy :D I wanted to draw small comics like this a ton of times already, but they almost always turned out to be too long, but I could restrain myself this time :D




Awwww I know exactly what you mean :D


Lol, so true.

Plomp Cat

This is way too relateable 😆


I hope your community could change, at least a little, this point of view. Your job is amazing too ! <3


This can be applied to literally anything. We are our own worst critics.


So cute, is this Estella? 😘


The moment I pick up a pencil and the worst part is I barely draw


I know that too well XD

pj wolf

...Yeah, that's common to artists.

Viro Veteruscy

Hits me right in the soul. I do this all the time to myself >w<;

George May

Lol this is SO TRUE IT HURTS!


This is every artist ever yes. And I still don't forgive you for those 2 lines.


OMG, this is so my sister. She, unfortunately, gave it up after deciding her art wasn’t taking her anywhere and the cost of supplies was too high for her means (she preferred oil on canvas.)


Art is an expression of your ideas and your creativity. If forced too much into a pocket you might lose your love of it. However taking time to critique your illustrative style and technical ability is never a bad thing. The drive is good. Your work is very enjoyable. We all can always improve.


Ever since I started the switch to digital art I feel this so much!!! Like why can’t I get this line right?!?!


I could no relate to this more than anything.


This pic is punching me in the gut... ;w;


Wow...I can totally relate to them right now writing wise


One of the reasons I seldom can find the motivation to practice drawing, too be honest.