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Hello everyone!

I’m sure you already realized that I'm the kind of artist who works on her projects in almost complete silence. This is one of the reasons I usually don't write journals :) But for a long time I felt that something wanted to burst out from deep inside of my mind. There are so many of you who like my works, and I'm sad I can't thank you for that individually for each one of you… So this would be the original purpose of this journal.

First of all, I’m sure I would haven never be able to reach my goals, and make a living from art if you guys wouldn’t be by my side. You guys help me feel special, and that it's really worth doing what I'm doing.

I often get a lot of comments and message, and sometimes it feels like I don't really deserve all the recognition. Occasionally I overthink this situation, and I feel I have to work more and more to satisfy everyone, and nobody willbe satisfied until they don't know I did everything I could, and completely exhausted myself with the work. You know, like “Look, I'm on my knees, sweating blood, I'm worthy!” I have severe anxiety, and I can make such a ruckus by imagining bad situations in my head. It's not easy to free myself of its painful grip. Time to time Ifind it difficult to accept good things, and I usually accept the bad ones more easily. When I get this feeling, I try to drive it away by trying to get into a different mindset. I think the best way I can be thankful for the lot of trust toward my projectsis to put a lot of care into them. That's what really matters the most. The stories, the characters, and to make all of them consistent in their worlds.

Because drawing is my job, I treat most of the parts of it as a real job. SometimesI just have to sit down and keep up, do what I can. I try to make as much and as varied contents I just can. Let it be happy, sad, silly or funny, I love making all kinds of stuffs, so I built my life around work, and to be able to make as much content I just can. Sometimes it can be a lot, and it can be painful to keep up with everything. Butwhen I look through all the work and effort I squeezedin my projects, I never feel regret. Of course I'd like to be better and would like to do some things differently in the future, but that's another thing. I feel I'm climbing an imaginaryladder, and as I get higher, I think I often see more clearly where I want to go next. I already reached a level in art thatmakes me very happy, and I try to include this feeling in my projects. My only wish is to keep it that way, and be better in many aspect.

First and foremost I want to say thank you to my Patreon supporters for all theirappreciation, because they support me with their hard earned money. And I want to say thank you for everyone else on the internet, who follows or shares my works, who comments, or gives any kind of feedback. I feel I'm spoiled to death by you guys. Thank you for helping me to be a better artist, and fueling my drawing engine in many ways.



You deserve it. You’re not just a great artist but a great story teller as well. Your characters have such great emotion drawn into them and the stories, even the NSFW ones, have characters written so well that you want to know more about them and see where they can go. Keep up the awesome work. 👍


I have been following your art for a few years now and I hardly comment, because I don't know what to say other than YOU ARE COOL AND I LIKE UR ART A LOT °3°


Take care of your mental health over Christmas x thank you for all the great content you have provided - it is not only brilliantly drawn but the storytelling is fantastic too! Now take a hard earned rest from your craft and create a new safe space and settle in all comfy, then start 2022 all refreshed and amazing again ^-^


You deserve the praise Zum, your art is so colourful and full of life and your stories and characters are some of the sweetest I've had the pleasure to know of. Having anxiety myself, I can relate, though. Just hand in there, we have you ˆ_ˆ


Very few artists around the web deserve as much support as you do Zum, your blend of beautiful imagery and well written characters truly is deserving :3 All of this you truly earned and deserve so much more too :3


It's a pleasure to be here Zum! Keep being yourself, you're doing amazing work here. Your stories and art are engaging and full of life


Thanks to the steady posting, the donation amount was not wasted. Although I can't learn English properly, I read and understand posts with the help of Google, but I enjoy watching the high-quality comic strips and corners that always ask questions and answers to supporters. I wish you good luck in the future~!


As one who can deeply relate to the kind of hardship you're describing, I want you to know that I really appreciate what you do as an artist, as well as what shines through it, showing the kind, beautiful person you are. A wonderful art style and well-written stories aren't reason enough for me to have been enthralled so much by your work... Zaphira's sweet, clumsy devotion to her inescapable destiny, Shani's plight of eternal loneliness, Estella and Evie's tragic childhoods, and the way all these stories evolved and grew through mutual love to an uplifting finale made me grow as attached to these beautiful characters as to the sweetness you show through their lives. For this I would like to both thank you and say that there's nothing you have to show to us, your fans, because we're already really happy to be here with you.


You are totally deserve that praise, Zummeng. keep it up and we always support you ❤️❤️❤️


You have earned all the praise and support you get, Zum. You are a fantastic artist, an amazing writer and we can see how your characters truly show the emotions you write for them. Heck, I get envious of a friend who managed to get a commission from you when you were still doing those but I am glad to be here and part of this ride that you have put together for all of us :)

Viro Veteruscy

Keep up the good work. Much appreciated~ :3


Thank you for all the effort you put into creating content! Keep it up! You do it the best!


I would like to thank you for sharing something personal you have in mind, I get it tough trying to put it in to words and even tougher to actually say it to your supporters. I think everyone needs to be a little confident and less shy, even if they have to train and learn. I’m going thru that as well, as a upcoming team leader, I cannot afford to show fear to someone who needs helps or looks up to me. I might be a little private, but I’m an open guy to talk, feedback, and compliment. When I do that, my POV of others become astonishing. Your work literally brings me life to a world where I thought it had no color, and that’s a big praise anyone could give. And if I’m being very honest, if i make it big as a leader, I’ll gladly let you come along. Both in a artist and wonderful, trustworthy, person in charge of their own creations. So I guess what i’m say is. I should be thanking you too. To quote from Dobutsu no Mori. “Talents are like cherry pies, you’ll have to keep using them or else they’ll be forgotten.”


You're so amazing! Fight that anxiety!


Stop worrying! You're fine! Hugs from Vermont!

Abbie Hunt

You are most welcome. Your work is very special.


Stay humble, stay enterprising, you are the best!


You have been a personal inspiration to me when it comes to developing my own art style and comic, and I’ve proudly come to call you one of my favourite artists in the community. I love your characters, story writing and I can really see the love behind what you do. I hope to be able to make a living from my art passion one day as well. 💚💚💚


We very much appreciate you, too! ;-)


I am glad that you have reached the desired level in art and the main thing is to keep going further without stopping. There is no doubt that even more success awaits you!