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Another month, another chance for a brand new Q&A, so let's get started! :D

You can ask Estella and Evie, or other characters from my comics, or even me here in the comments, and I'm going to chose a few one to answer with a very simple little sketch. So ask anything you like, and remember, you can have as many questions as you'd just like :) And don't worry if your question wasn't answered, you can ask them again next time :)

You can ask your questions until October 7, and I'll try to post the answers on October 8.

So don't hold back those questions, and have fun! :)



Wind Might

To young Mira : Who is your favorite uncle/aunt ?


To Zummeng: out of all your characters, who's the greatest Pumpkin Spice addict?

Joseph Purves

To Zaphira and her sisters: What are your thoughts on Mongooses? Do any of you hate them or do you think they are o.k.?

Joseph Purves

To Miralle: I don't mean to insult you when ask you this question. How would you describe your childhood? A obnoxious spoiled brat, gifted child, or something else? I really hope that I am wrong on the first part.

Joseph Purves

To Cornelia: Mind if I ask how you got your scars?

Joseph Purves

To Cornelia: How many fighting styles, techniques, and/or signature moves do you know?

Joseph Purves

To Darnell: Have you killed or injured anyone during your time as a thief?

Joseph Purves

To Estella: Have you thought about becoming a Professional Fighter? It could help you with both your anger issues and your fashion company.

Joseph Purves

To Gloria: Have you heard or seen a Chupacabra? If so, what are they like?


• To Lily: ▪︎Have you ever done something you were told not to do out of curiosity?


To Alexander + Lily: ▪︎Have either of your water powers ever been useful around the house?


To Alexander & Christopher: ▪︎ What's your thoughts on aquariums?


• To Godvig: ▪︎ Does it bother you having only one good arm?


To Christopher: What was the most embarassing thing Nora has done in public?


• To Gloria: ▪︎ How often do you indulge your ''Ice Cream and TV'' Binge?


• To Alexander + Gloria: ▪︎ What's your absolute favorite thing about married life/parenthood?


To Zummeng: ▪︎ I noticed on your original concept for the Tree of Life comic had a subtitle called 'Children of Ishazel' who is/was Ishazel?


To Any/All Married Couples: ▪︎ What's your ideal honeymoon/date night?


To Chris: would you ever return back to that brothel to free Nora? And take her with you on your adventures?…😏


Just going through doing a archive dive, so these questions might be a bit old: To Bryta, You weren’t in the swimsuit picture, what gives?


To Estella & Evie, Did you make it back to New Dawn to visit Bobby and Betty. (This might of been asked before, but I didn’t see offhand. Apologies if its a repeat.)


To Bryta: how many of the girls of your tribe have shared your bed? To Evie: how do you like Estella to make love to you? (Passionately/Romantically, Rough, etc, etc)


To Alexander: So how many girls have you been hooking up with exactly? Are you really that good at hooking up, or do the women just know you're the godly version of the village bicycle?


To all the gods: can you descried your fallen brethren?

Simone Spinozzi

good luck everybody, hope your questions get drawn ;)

stephane aubertin

to Estella and Evie: do you think about having kids one day


To Gloria and Alexander: Have Lily ever had a tantrum? If so, how do you handle that?


To Sledar, Loria, and Godvig: Have any of you babysat Lily?


To Alma: Are you the only one who makes magical honey or does that ability pass from mother to daughter?


To Chili: You have a really high tolerance for hot and spicy food, but do you easily get brain freeze on cold food?


To Mira and Druid Evie: I noticed that both of you are barefooted (don't judge me). Are you not worried about stepping on broken glass, jagged rocks, or worse wild Lego pieces?


To Luna: Why did you chose sake as your go to drink? Also is it possible for you to have too much sake?


To Luna: Do you believe in aliens? Like there's life among the stars with worlds having their own tree of life?

Infinite Warlock

To Chili: What would you say is your biggest guilty pleasure and/or pet peeve?

Infinite Warlock

Shout out to Zaphira, Evie, and Lavender: who among you would say has the honour of being the biggest bookworm out of everyone?

Darth Drakus

To Zummeng: Whenever you're talking about something, do you take Estella's form to do so or do you consentingly possess her? If the latter, would your other characters notice it?


To Zummeng: Have you ever considered publicly releasing your old Patreon suggestion sketches like the first hundred or keep them in the vault?


To Alma: Do you actually love Bryta or the strap-on? That sex toy was used for the ultimate sexual pleasure and I'm curious if you would still love Bryta without it.


To all catgirls: What are your views on humanoid anime catgirls? Are you offended for your species being culturally appropriated or weirded out that some people prefer them over the real deal?


To Nora: What was one of the most embarrassing experiences you have had with a client?


To Estella and Evie: Since the spooptober has began. Who is the best at being scary for the month?

Matthias Preissl

Trying this again... Rah'Jan: Your daughter obviously got a lot of musical talent from somewhere. Have you ever been in a band? You seem like the garage metal type. Also Rah'Jan: How do you feel about actually getting to be a serious villain for once? (And to Alexander: How insufferable has he been about it? :P)


To Cornelia and Ruby: the two of you are the muscle queens of the family but in different ways, Ruby owing her physique to bodybuilding and Cornelia to combat training. Even though they are two different forms of training, do you two compete in anyway?


To Christopher : What do you wear when you are active in the water?


To Estella: So Evie said at one point you hated her the most when the two of you met each other the first time. When did that hate turned to love and why did you started to love Evie?

Starman Leo

To Zapphira and Shen: Out of the rest of Zummeng's cast, who do you see getting along with the most?

Steviebear Maxwell

There's seems to be a bit of a rivalry between Sledar and Alexander, friendly or otherwise, so I'm curious what each of them has to say towards how it came about.


to Estella: do you ever have trouble with outfits matching your ear rings that evie gave you?


To Zapphira’s Sisters: I know that there’s no fall in the desert… but the night of All Hallows’ Eve is upon us! What would your costumes be and why?

Viro Veteruscy

To Estella and Evie: Ever have fun with bondage only to either lose the keys or have a difficult time undoing the bonds?


Also I forgot to mention, why not a setting of casual wear for the gods? :) What do Loria, Sledar, Godvig and Alex like to wear if they were to just roam around as common folk?

pj wolf

Hey Christopher, what do you think of Nora?

Joseph Purves

To Zummeng: How often do you and your husband play Video Games?


Estella and Evie: Would one of you ever wear an actual pumpkin over your head like the headless horseman?


To Nora: Do you do blowjobs or are your clients too afraid to do it because of your chompers? Do you get jealous of Christopher being able to replace his teeth while you have to constantly care for yours? I heard spotted hyena women carried massive clitoris when aroused. Is that false or are you that good at hiding it?


To Bryta: Do you as a warrior, also celebrate halloween? or is there no time for such thing?


To Tristan: Are you gonna be okay this Halloween?


To Shani : Did you had a family (a husband and children) before being transformed into a Djinn? And if so, have you ever thought about finding their (your) descendants now that you are free? Not necessarily to reconnect, but just to at least make sure they are okay and know what your family has become and done during your time as a Djinn.


To Shani : What exactly happens to a djinn if he/she tries to disobey the djinn rules or his/her master (Like refusing to grant a wish, going too far from his vessel, trying to hurt his/her master, …)? And did you try to break some rules the first times you get out of your lantern?


To Zummeng: What graphics tablet model and programs do you use to make your comics and what do you recommend to practice if someone want to make a comic?


To Stella and Evie; you two seem to be such a close nit couple who get along so well despite your conflicting personalities. I was wondering if you ever argue or fight? I was also wondering, Stella and Evie; are either of you bisexual?


Estella: What happened to your mangy old man in the end? What did he do after you when to the orphanage? How did he die? Where did you bury him?


Luna: When looking at the other characters outside Tree of Life, who do you think qualify as guardians?


Chris, when was the most memorable thing that made you proud. And Smile? Zaphira, how is life as a royalty?


Are the locations in your comics mostly based/inspired by your RL hometown, or are they mostly from all over the world.


Luna: for being well known, do you have any national anthems about you?


Victor was it? The alien dude: do you come in peace?


To Estella and Evie: Estella, did you ever try Evie's outfit before? And the same question to Evie, but with Estella's outfit.


To Estella: How did scaring Evie with that bag go?