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Let's continue the kitten's gaming moments with another one :)




They are so adorable ❤


Same Evie, same xD


Evie spitting out facts ladies and gentlemen. Also they're so cute like that


Flawless adorable logic :3


Evie then flips the table and sets it on fire for some reason.

pj wolf

*choice Also this is adorable. Also also most lady armors in game are built for male gaze instead of actual protection, and that's sad.


Some guy: Actually in a lot of games, the hit box between male and female characters are the same. *Eve choke holding him*: What did you say?! *Choked guy*: Wait, I thought you were harmless one. Eve: You won't survive in a Modern Warefare 2 lobby. PSA guy: Heated gamer moments. It can affect even the most innocent souls in the world. If your love one is suffering from heated gamer moments please contact xxx xxx-xxxx for professional help. Both you and them not are alone this fight.


I gotta go with Estella about male armor in a lot of games. Female armor is a top 3 peeve of mine… I just want to wear pants! Maybe not have a shot trap on my chest too!


I'm a guy (the supposed audience for the chainmail bikini) and I think female "armor" just looks stupid. Especially with all the bare midriffs and thighs, assuming they lived those areas would basically be nothing but scar tissue after a few fights.


I always pick a girl because horny brainrot. The smaller hitbox is an added bonus. Unless it's an rpg, then I pick male because I like to self insert.