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Here are the answers for some of the July Q&A questions :)

This month's answers got REALLY silly again, so I had a ton of fun making them :D

Hope you like them! ^^




Thank you


Oh man! :D So many made me smile so much :3


Okay, that last one got me. Hahaha.


Nora's expression reminds me of Stella 🤣


Alex wishes the CGI to become a permanent part of him. Can't blame Alex.


I prefer the current/revised backstory for Alexander & Gloria anyway as their love feels more genuine than what was shown in GftWG.


Panel 1: Bad parents, constantly angry, and incredibly horny. Nigel is just a gender and species swapped version of Estella isn't he? Panel 2: Screw how Nigel survive. YOU HAVE FLISH! You must have saw the Future is Wild documentary. I love that show as a kid and was my big inspiration for some short stories that I'm making. I hope you have squid monkeys swinging through the trees in the future. Panel 3: I'm assuming the godly rod was a lot smaller considering that Gloria is still alive and can walk. I still believe it's above average and by no means small. Also nice that Gloria is happy getting a larger role and we can see more of her in the current chapter. Panel 4: Give more time Nora. Sooner or later he will flustered and steaming hotter than Eve reading that anniversary coupon


Haha! Nora and Christopher killed me. Love it! 😂😂😂

Simone Spinozzi

did... did Gloria just go "Bah" ?!?!

pj wolf

This is not what I expected for this. But I love it.


I love those fish birds.


gosh I love all of these!!

Abbie Hunt

Told you Nigel was taking a break before going to eat worms.


Panel 1 : After all that has happened to him, I'm surprised that Nigel still has such a "positive" view of art, I rather expected him to want a painting in the same style as those of Hieronymus Bosch since Nigel is either always sad or angry. Panel 3 : Ok, f***ing boomer (and sexist) goat… Seriously, what do people have against CGI !? I am willing to admit that Hollywood uses too much of it in films, but if we use CGI so much it is because it gives total atristic freedom, while the practical effects are more constraints that hinder artistic creativity. It would be best if we use the practical effects and CGI 50/50, continuously denigrating the CGI to try to ban it completely is not a solution. Panel 4 : Eh, at least you tried.