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Here's the finished page 66.

Hope you like it ^^




Thank you


I hope Nigel get a good ol La Chiga to his ego. His pride is wounded, and he is aiming it at the wrong people.


Wow, Mira had a mouth on her at a young age. Wonder where she got it from?


Nigel let his anger get the best of him 😔


I worked with kids who were taken into custody by child protection services. Those who went through similar stuff like Nigel and got separated from their parents acted exactly like he does here. So well written, I absolutely loving this comic more with every page.


I feel for Nigel so much. He’s done everything for his family and they’ve turned on him because something didn’t go their way. As someone who’s experienced this a number of times, I know what he feels. He’s been living for them, not himself.

Wild Space Saga

Mira protecc Mira attacc She got her mommy's bacc!


Poor little boy Nigel :( Omg i have tears in my eyes 😢

Austin Judes

Imagine you were groomed from your earliest memories to go to Harvard law by your parents. They dumped all their love and attention on you to get you into that school and you get rejected. Then they completely disown you. They don't kick you out, but you might as we not even exist. You aren't even worth looking up when you enter the room. I agree he is aiming at the wrong people, but it isn't wounded pride that he's experiencing. His whole world collapsed in an instant and he's taking it out on the only person who makes sense to him.


Oooooh... That stone was uncalled for. This, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call 'escalation'. Good thing Luna is reasonable. Oof... This story has been a delight.


Poor little guy, never had a chance.

pj wolf

NIgel's anger is misdirected. But lord, do I understand it. His life practically revolved around being a Guardian for his parents... and then his parents had to drop all the "love" and "adoration" they had for him the *second* got rejected to be a Guardian first try. Also, I love Mira getting salty at the person who is threatening her mother.

Parker Trotter

The real question is, how will mom de-escalate the situation? I assume Nigel does not get barbecued here...


I'm sure while she has her usual fights with Leo both of them learn a lot of "nice" words from each other :)


Dem boy! Has a limit. But he's right, right? I mean with the "you took everything,, part. Or I just forgot, how stubborn his parents.


As I know, it could harm only demons, and not any living things.


Nigel sadly is .... somewhat right....just not about the right thing. Saying the tree "You had no right!" ...yeah she had no right to leave his parents unchecked in their methods for how they raise guardians. The Tree seemed to know they were too strict but didn't interfere, and now she can see what it did to poor Nigel. Nigel just needs a hug right now.... :/


I saw in the sketch the rock left a mark on Luna's face, but in the final version it didn't. Did you decide that such a thing wouldn't hurt her, or can she not actually bleed.


She is a pretty powerful goddess, so I realised a little rock hurting her was just silly :D


Oh no :( well... it's hard to think while on a rage, his reaction while harsh is pretty fitting given his age. Still... how awful :(.... hold on a minute though, what's that hue?