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Here's the finished page 65.

I don't know, but for me it seems like Luna shines brighter and brighter on every page, and maybe her boobs are constantly getting bigger too...? I don't know, so you'll be the judge of that...

Anyway, I hope you like the page ^^




Thank you


For some reason Luna on the middle panel looks like she's pregnant. Like her belly is a bit round especially with her hands rubbing on her belly

Shiny Umbreon

Her boobs getting bigger and bigger is now officially my head canon, thank you very much for that lol


Being told you are selfish and don't care about the weak must still hurt like a MF.


Looks to me like she's squatting down and her hands are on her knees, not her stomach. If you look how low she is to the ground, it makes sense.

Wild Space Saga

I don't think that's what she was telling him. It looks mote like she's saying that he was only doing it because it was tradition and because it made his parents happy, rather than out of a genuine desire to protect others.


Okay that makes much more sense. I thought I missed something like a page or two

Viro Veteruscy

Though I know Luna is kneeling down, my first thought was that she looked pregnant. Not a bad thing as now I'd like to see some side art of that but just me immediate thoughts >w> Good page, lots of emotions going on and Nigel having a hard time coming to terms.


She’s asking him to think why he’d like to become a guardian, to find a reason beyond obligation. I could imagine that living your life fulfilling someone else’s purpose could lead to resentment. However the parents’ poor choice has cultivated plenty, but that’s their failure: Luna presented an opportunity for discovery so that Guardianship was enriching and meaningful, instead they chose to relegate him to the value of a house plant.

pj wolf

Well my question is what the *fuck* happened to his parents in between being a Guardian and having kids?


"I" know that's what she means. But somehow a boy as young and as disappointed and frustrated as Nigel doesn't strike me as the most emotionally intelligent and capable of understanding that. In his position, I'd take everything as an attack.


Please listen to her Nigel...