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Another month, another chance for a brand new Q&A, so let's get started! :D

You can ask Estella and Evie, or other characters from my comics, or even me here in the comments, and I'm going to chose a few one to answer with a very simple little sketch. So ask anything you like, and remember, you can have as many questions as you'd just like :) And don't worry if your question wasn't answered, you can ask them again next time :)

You can ask your questions until December 11, and I'll try to post the answers on December 12.

So don't hold back those questions, and have fun! :)




Witch Estella: Do you really sacrifice virgins for your summoning spells? How do you manage that, and where do you get them?


Bryta: Have you ever thought about going back to Queen Alma?


Tree of Life: What’s the most interesting thing you’ve ever done? Any regrets?


To Any/All Married Couples: ▪︎ What's your ideal honeymoon/date night?


To Gloria: ▪︎ What's the sweetest thing Alex has done for you around the holidays?


To Nora: ▪︎What's daily life like in Black Pearl Port? I bet it's a very ''lovely place''.


To Bryta: how many of the girls of your tribe have shared your bed? To Evie: how do you like Estella to make love to you? (Passionately/Romantically, Rough, etc, etc)

Simone Spinozzi

... the glass golem? How's she doing? <h1>🥺</h1>


Tree of Life: What is your universe's equivilent to our Christmas?


To Gloria, Alex, Zaphira, Shen, Shani, Darnell: let's pretend there was a 'partner swap' party, where everyone is free to choose one partner and have fun together; who would you choose and why? ;P


Has anyone tried VR? Do they like it?


Who's the best at strategy games, and who's the worst loser when it comes to strategy games?

Joseph Purves

To Darnell: Have you killed or injured anyone during your time as a thief?


To all married couples: Who has the dirtiest wife?


To Evie, Lavender, and Zaphira: Have all of you ever shared your love of books with each other or are part of a book club


To Evie: You are a gamer and also a girl. Being a girl gamer, have you ever faced any kind of harassment when playing online? If so, how do you deal with that?

Infinite Warlock

To Ruby: Last month you seemed to be in denial when I asked about your love life. Don't you think it would be better for you to be more open about these issues if they're a problem? I recommend asking Violet for advice if you feel like it, but I'd be careful around her.


To Estella: So what's your new line of winter fashion? Any themes for this winter?


To Estella: Hypothetically speaking, let's say there's a few ruffians kittennapped Evie and held her for ransom. What would you do?

Infinite Warlock

To Lavender &amp; Evie: Who reigns supreme as the biggest bookworm of them all? Amongst the cast of your respected stories after all.


To Rah'jan: The jig is up! We now know you use that skull magic trick to hide your real face, and we want to see it.


To Zaphira and Darnell: From one non-mammal to another, what's it like having a mammal as the significant other? Any pros and cons of having basically a living blanket to snuggle with?


To Evie: Who is your favorite character in Mario Kart?


To Zaphira: Do you shed your skin or is that too sensitive to answer?


To the Zodiac sisters: All of you have the same symbols that Zaphira has and in the same place. Does that mean your future lovers would have markings similar to Shen? Edit: Each sister has a unique symbol, but the question is still the same.

Infinite Warlock

To Cornelia: I think Ruby might have been a bit in denial with her feelings last month but you don't seem as close-minded. You clearly have seen action that put you where you are now physically, but is there more to you than just that? Any hobbies or interests outside the battlefield to define yourself? Maybe even a desire to be loved?

Joseph Purves

To Zummeng: When you're designing characters hands and feet, what kind do you choose and why? (Human, Plantigrade, Digitigrade, or other.)


To Zummeng: A lot of people really loved your history with Estella, and now I'm curious about everyone's favorite goat family. It seems you have a strict rule in not lewding your SFW characters, but your earliest erotic comic had Gloria and Alexander. I also found the character sheet of Alexander who you described him as a completely differently person compared to modern Alexander. You had made a bunch of sketches for the tree of life cast, but the goat family appeared a bit late. My question is quite simple. Were the goat family originally part of the Tree of Life cast, or did you added them in later on? How had they changed overtime? (Like were Alexander and Rah'jan always brothers?) (If it's too much for one panel, you can just focus on Alexander) Also your old Q&amp;A questions had an arc involving Lily getting revenge on her father for leaving his family. Are you closing that arc anytime soon with the prequel comic?

Joseph Purves

To Estella: Have you thought about becoming a Professional Fighter?

Parker Trotter

What is Ensafir society like? Is it a rigid cast system, kind of like ants or bees? More free and democratic?

Parker Trotter

Ooooooooo that's a fantastic question. But they all have zodiac signs, right? So would the pairs also, or would they have something different? Maybe they would have some relation to the Chinese Zodiac?


To Estella: During long business trips, do you have an Evie body pillow whenever you feel lonely?


To Alma: Do you actually love Bryta or the strap on? That sex toy was made for the ultimate sexual experience, but would you still love her if she brought a regular dildo?


To Gloria: did Alex learned from last Christmas to get the present for you daughter?


To Gloria: What will be your weapon of choice if Alex doesn't remember to get presents To Alex: Did you remember to get something or are you gonna be like Stan from American dad and forget last second.


To Evie: Have you partaken in any gaming tournament with your skills? If so, any favorite memories?

Matthias Preissl

Trying this for the nth time...:P To shared-universe Rah'jan: How do you feel about Darker and Edgier Rah'jan in Tree of Life? Also: Have you ever been in a band? Your daughter has apparently inherited a fair bit of musical talent and you seem the garage death metal type...:P To Derock's Mom: What happened to the arm?


Estella: If you would be a Santa, does Evie become your elf or Rudolf? ;D


To Evie: Do you have a Christmas sweater that Estella loves or hates you wearing?

Infinite Warlock

To Amber: I noticed you're one of Zaphira's sisters that don't get a lot of attention. So let me ask you this. If you're not really someone who takes interest in doing things, what would get you active for something? What are some of the things that are sure to get you out of a slump?

Infinite Warlock

To Emery: Similar to Amber, I'd like to hear a bit more from you and Zaphria's other sisters. From past experience, what do you think is the best way to blow off steam when everyone else is moping around or in low spirits?


Tree of Life: Seeing as how you’re quite literally a manifestation of nature, does your form change during the seasons? For instance, do you shed your mane of leaves during autumn?


To Estella + Evie: ▪︎Have you two ever went ghost hunting?


• To Shani: ▪︎ Back when you were a Djinn, did you ever a master that tried using your powers for evil?


To Christopher: ▪︎ What would you do if you've encountered the God of Water, Alexander?

Yuu Yukonix

Rah'jan What do you want for Christmas the most? And what’s the best gift you’ve ever gotten for Christmas?


To Alma: Are you the only person that secrete magical honey, or do your family share the same ability over generations?


To Zummeng: I'm sensing a pattern with your couples. Estella, Alexander, Christopher, Bryta, and Derock are significantly taller and buffer than their significant others. Do you have a thing for tall buff people? 😏


To Anyone: what are your default crossover county outfits, Any modern designs for fantasy characters?


Lily, do you have power over other liquids apart from water?


Zummeng; can you introduce us to your partner, Evie's owner, and explain their role in the creative process?

Molly McAllister

Alma: You produce a lot of honey. Like, a LOT of honey. Have there been any noticeable side-effects of not being... um... 'milked' regularly? Also Alma: It was lovely seeing you go all gooey for Bryta's tender lovings, but you also demonstrated a taste for more 'rough-hewn' intimacy. What was your most satisfying session of pure Raunchy, Dirty, dag-Nasty [Explative-Deleted] like?