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"Mr. and Mrs. Claus"

Laikaboss's suggestion was pretty simple: Rah'Jan as Mr. Claus, and Luna as Mrs. Claus. So the always grumpy Santa with his always cheerful wife, who's baking cookies all the time? You just can't go wrong with that :D And Mr. Claus will need all the love and help with his job, especially with that face... XP




you should make them a real couple or flirty neighbors ;3

Viro Veteruscy

Very cute~ Would be neat to see Luna try dating >w>


LOL :D They're so cute!!


So, they are really a couple? Exciting!

Simone Spinozzi

I mean. They seem fitting. She's a spirit of nature, sooo domination, strife, murder and also pretty squirrels and nice woods. He just stops at the domination, strife and murder. <h1>🤣👍💖</h1>


I can't wait until Rah'Jan actually shows up in Tree of Life and we all turn on him hard.