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Another month, another chance for a brand new Q&A, so let's get started! :D

You can ask Estella and Evie, or other characters from my comics, or even me here in the comments, and I'm going to chose a few one to answer with a very simple little sketch. So ask anything you like, and remember, you can have as many questions as you'd just like :) And don't worry if your question wasn't answered, you can ask them again next time :)

You can ask your questions until November 13, and I'll try to post the answers on November 14.

So don't hold back those questions, and have fun! :)




To Jana'Rah: ▪︎So, you like to play the Violin, the Trumpet and the Double Bass. What other instruments do you play and does your dad pay for music lessons?


To Any/All Married Couples: ▪︎ What's your ideal honeymoon/date night?


To Estella + Evie: ▪︎Have you two ever went ghost hunting?


To Estella: ▪︎Have any thoughts on neon-colored clothing?

Simone Spinozzi

i seriously need to know what happened to the glass golem and if she's well. 😅

Boxer Briefs

To Estella: How is your clothes shop doing during these times? Are you still able to make sales?

Wind Might

To Bobby and Betty : Your childs are born

Matthias Preissl

To shared-universe Rah'jan: How do you feel about Darker and Edgier Rah'jan in Tree of Life? Also: Have you ever been in a band? Your daughter has apparently inherited a fair bit of musical talent and you seem the garage death metal type...:P To Derock's Mom: What happened to the arm?


Witch Estella: Do you really sacrifice virgins for your summoning spells? How do you manage that, and where do you get them?


Bryta: Have you ever thought about going back to Queen Alma?


Tree of Life: What’s the most interesting thing you’ve ever done? Any regrets?


Tree of Life, have you ever had any lovers?


To all married couples: Who has the dirtiest wife?


To Estella: Being CEO, you must have done a lot of international business trips and learned a few languages. More importantly, you must have picked up a few insults and swears to spice up your vocabulary. So what is your favorite non-English insults or swear words?


To Estella: During long business trips, do you carry an Evie body pillow in case you ever feel lonely? (I'm referring to the anime body pillows if you are confused on what I meant)


To Evie: How did you get into gaming, and what is your favorite video game?


To Evie: You are a gamer and also a girl. Being a girl gamer, have you ever faced any harassment (like people doubting your skills, gatekeeping, or forcing a romantic relationship without your consent) when playing online? If so, how do you deal with them?


To Alma: This have been bothering me for a while. Do you actually love Bryta or the strap-on that she used? That sex toy was made for the ultimate sexual experience, and I don't know if you would love Bryta the same way if she used a regular dildo.


To Lily and Jana'Rah: Have either of you obtained any supernatural abilities from your fathers?


To the Zodiac sisters: All of you have the same markings like Zaphira. Does that mean you will get lovers that shared Shen's markings?


To Zummeng: I'm sensing a patterns with your couples. Estella is significantly taller and buffer than Evie. Same with Alexander to Gloria, Christopher to Nora, Derock to Gryllias (don't you dare ruin my ship of them), and I'm assuming you will make Leopold and Miralle a couple in the future. There's also Bryta who is very buff compared to Alma. Do you have a thing for tall buff people Zummeng?


To Leopold: We have no idea who the heck you are, so it would be nice to answer some questions. Like, what was your experience meeting Luna and Miralle for the first time?


To Tristan: Are you by any chance a hybrid since you are a monkey covered in scales?


To Evie and Zaphira: Do the both of you share books or are part of a book club?


To Tristan: What is the name of the chicken-like species you share a home with? Did you give them names?


To Estella: I'm curious about your perspective on New Dawn. Evie mentioned that you hated her after your first encounter because you thought she was an illusion. Yet, you save her from the subway during the second encounter. You also, in your words, believed that speech on snowflakes was bullshit. I guess I want to know why did you stick with Evie if you couldn't stand her during beginning? Is it that you secretly wish that the illusion is real and that she's the only escape from your life during that time?


To Zummeng: Forgive me if this was already asked and answered, but I noticed that whenever you draw Evie and/or Estella in the nude their privates are censored, either through conveniently placed items or just straight-up black bars. You've drawn uncensored pin-ups of Estella before. What made you decide change that? Is there a personal reason you don't lewd these characters?


To Estella & Evie: Before you gals were married did you face any sort of discrimination or would you say your city is very accepting?

Death of Ink

To Evie: Do you actually like sex? You often seem put off whenever Estella gets in the mood.


To Bryta: how many of the girls of your tribe have shared your bed? To Evie: how do you like Estella to make love to you? (Passionately/Romantically, Rough, etc, etc)


Did y’all see the election?


Long Hair'd Characters: Does your Hair ever get caught in things? Doors and such. I have mid back length hair and it does.


To Gloria: ▪︎ What's the sweetest thing Alex has done for you around the holidays?


• To Shani: ▪︎ Back when you were a Djinn, did you ever had a master that tried using your powers for evil?

Infinite Warlock

To Christopher: Are the scars something you just get used to in your line of work? Seems like it's a pretty rough business to get into.

Infinite Warlock

Okay, picture this situation. Couples therapy session featuring (Estella & Evie), (Zaphria & Shen), (Gloria & Alexander), (Shanni & Darnell). Who believes that they have the best relationship example out of everyone else in the room?

Infinite Warlock

A question for Chili: Ever made a chili dish that all of your friends could enjoy? Or did it always end up with everyone else in tears? I'd ask about your heat tolerance, however, given your name that would probably seem redundant.

Firadon The Guardian

A question for Darnell and Shani: You two are married right? I would love to see how one of you proposed and the ceremony that followed and maybe the honeymoon with some sweet action if you catch my drift~ :3

Daniel Hood

To Gloria: Sorry to pry, but after that...wonderful night with Alex that we saw, how sore were you and how long did it take to feel like walking normal again?


This is cool, but this "question" would require three completely different answers :D So next time try to ask something that's a bit more easier to answer :) Don't forget that you can ask more than one questions. So you could even ask what you just did, but with three separete questions :)


To Estella: Hypothetically speaking, let's say a group of ruffians kittennapped Evie and held her for ransom. What would you do?

Infinite Warlock

To Evie & Zaphria: As book lovers, how would Evie react to Zaphria's secret library? Would Zaphria possibly envy Evie's job of working in a library? Who'd come out as the biggest Bookworm nerd?

Shadow Drake

To Shanni and Darnell: Shanni, imagine Darnell suddenly had the power to grant you a single wish of your choosing, what would you wish for? Oh and Darnell, would you grant it?

Infinite Warlock

To Ruby: You seem to present yourself as the tough muscle girl among the large group of siblings, but is there more to you than just that? Are you jealous of how successful Zaphria has been in her love life finding Shen and wish to have that kind of person in your life?


Zummeng; can you introduce us to your partner, Evie's owner, and explain their role in the creative process?


Raj; sure you've got a cult but have you got yourself a 'Helltaker's harem' yet?


Lily/Jana'Rah: Were you two ever bullied in school, and if so did you have any methods to help each other out?


Gotta try again; from your early comic, the big hero dude who saved the tiny lady, and she recruited him to help her village; what happened there? :D


I want to see what Shani and Darnell's kids will look like? What kind of family will they have? How many children? What trade or craft do they become masters of?


Luna: Was it hard to train, or help Tristan coming into his own? Also who were Leo's Parents specifically his mother?