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Another month, another chance for a brand new Q&A, so let's get started! :D

You can ask Estella and Evie, or other characters from my comics, or even me here in the comments, and I'm going to chose a few one to answer with a very simple little sketch. So ask anything you like, and remember, you can have as many questions as you'd just like :) And don't worry if your question wasn't answered, you can ask them again next time :)

You can ask your questions until June 5, and I'll try to post the answers on June 6.

So don't hold back those questions, and have fun! :)




To Shani: did you ever... "invite" somebody inside your lamp? For company or good conversation? To Luna: what will you do when Mira grows up and finds herself a boyfriend? ^_^


To Estella and/or Evie: Do you use shampoo and body wash? Or just a lot of shampoo?


To Gloria: ▪︎ Is Alex a good dancer?


To Chili: ▪︎ What's your favorite relaxation hobby?


• To Shani: ▪︎ Who was the evil/cruelest master you ever served as Djinn?


• To Alexander + Gloria: ▪︎ What do you two like doing on your date nights? ▪︎ Do you two ever plan on having another kid, or is Lily enough for you?


To Estella and Evie: what kind of music do you girls listen to?


Alma we know that zaphira is covered when it comes to heirs but do you have any plans for your successor

Takkin Faircrest

Any Character: What is the most humiliating thing that's happened to you?


For Evie and Stella and RaJan: What would you do if you had to spend an evening together? :O


To Bryta: how many of the girls of your tribe have shared your bed? To Evie: how do you like Estella to make love to you? (Passionately/Romantically, Rough, etc, etc)

Simone Spinozzi

To 3V13: Hi there! How's it going? Is Dr. Stella handling well the isolation?


To Zaphira: The new XCOM game looks fun, especially when Torque character wraps her snake body around the the enemy. Do you do the same on Shen during intma... scientific experiment?


To Shani and Darnell: You ever wonder what your kids will look like, one species of either of you or a blend of both?


To Lily and Jana’Rah: You girls holding up okay during this special time of the year? I hope your parents manage to find things to keep you occupied at home.


To Ruby: Do you have a exercise plan for Shen? I mean how will you not break him before he becomes one of the toughest warriors out there? Any experiment with him before you start?


To shani: What was the weirdest thing/ most messed up thing anyone has wished for?


To lily: Have you ever tried to bring any boys to the house? Do Alex/ rah’Jan let you


To Zaphira and Shen: Are you guys planning on having kids? If so are you guys going for a certain gender or species?


For Rah'Jan and Alexander: Which of you is the big brother and how was your childhood?


To the artist: I just thought I would start reading wishes 2 from the start, I've been holding off. It was an exercise in frustration, It took me a while to figure out how to put all the filters right so I only saw the relevant posts, and in the right order. Would you consider adding a pinned post with a link to the first page of the respective comics? And add those handy "Last<>Next" links on the pages like web comics do?


For Estella and Evie: What are your favorite types of sweets? Have any of you tried baking?


You can find all the public pages with links on my other accounts. I have a lot of projects running at all time, and Patreon is just not suited to make decent order among them:/ The best thing I could do is to be strict with tags, so you can find the comic pages with the "comic" tag. Sadly, Patreon was built to just scroll through it. Check the links in my description to my other accounts, you can find the pages there in nice order.


For Sapphira with family; If I understand correctly you spent your whole youth being educated about that special moment with the key, so you might need help from your sisters with this one. But Sapphira is queen over a whole country, what's that country like? Do you have a social welfare system? Or large class differences? Are your borders closed or open? And tell me what sights someone traveling through your country just must see? How would a travel brochure for your country look?


you should do estella cosplaying as aphrodite from god of war


To Jana’Rah show us your war face!


To Gloria: ▪︎ Does it get really difficult for you sometimes being the wife of a God as well as the mother to his child, or not at all?


To Rah'Jan: ▪︎ You think you're the lord of chaos? I think you're just a billy goat with anger issues, what's the worst you can do to me?


To Shani: what was the most amusing wish you ever granted? To Zaphira: will your kids be snakes, foxes, or a mix of both?

Yuu Yukonix

Rah'Jan, who is your most trusted and loyal cult follower?

Matthias Preissl

To shared-universe Rah'jan: How do you feel about Darker and Edgier Rah'jan in Tree of Life? :P (Kinda expecting to see a Squeeee! reaction from a skull :P)


For Evie: It may be a bit too personal and a sensitive question for you and I apologize in advance, I know you have been in an orphanage but have you been there for as long as you think remember and you don't know your parents? If they are alive have you ever tried to find them? : / For Stella- Is your mother alive? If yes, have you tried to contact her again? If she is alive and you have never tried to find her, why? (even if I suspect maybe the answer)


For Zummeng- Do the characters of Stella and Evie represent a part or completely your personality to you and your fiancé? :)


What would a modern times Shani and Darnell look like?


Oh, Stella, Bo-Bella, La Rella: does Evie have any interesting "pet" names for you?


For Ruby and Rah'Jan: you are both strong cookies. But who can lift the most?


Stella and Evie; do you have regular non anthro cats where you come from? How do you interact with your four-legged cousins?


For Darnell: Before the lamp, what was your favourite item you stole, and what was the worst?