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Hi guys! :) Here is another month, so it's time to gather your ideas again :)

Feel free to post things about your ideas and suggestions here in the comments. You can post ideas, references, ANYTHING you’d just like. I’m going to pick from your ideas (I don’t know how many, sometimes, more, sometimes less), and maybe this way I’ll be able to make more sketches every month, and maybe you'll like them more too. If I do one of your ideas, then the sketch will be dedicated to the person who suggested it :) And don’t forget, these are the sketches you’ll be voting for at the end of each month, so there is a chance that your idea will be made into a fully detailed, rendered picture :)

But keep in mind these are nothing to do with commissions, so please do not request your original characters. But character designs, scenes, SFW and NSFW, fanart, literally anything else is okay.

Note: Because I ask for your suggestions in a monthly basis (to be easier to manage and look trough them), please POST AGAIN any idea you'd really like to see from me, but I haven't drawn yet! And don't forget, you can suggeset AS MANY IDEAS AS YOU'D LIKE!

So don’t hold back, let the ideas flow! :)




It's the year of the mouse, so let's see some cute mice!!! :D


*Rubs hands together* All right, here we go :) For my first suggestion: werewolf himbo. Huge and muscly werewolf bro picking daisies, having birds and butterflies land on him, helping a tiny old lady cross the street etc. Secondly, I dare you to draw a sexy Bidoof.


It'd be cool to see what a demon version of Estella would look like!


Haven't seen Zaphira in a while. I wonder what she did on new year. Maybe a family gathering?


* What If Darnell, instead of wishing Shani free wished to become a djinn like her to live together in the lantern forever? * A sketch of Lily conversing with underwater creatures. * A Sketch of a Puppeteer Spider and thier Hapless Victims. * A sketch of Lily hanging out with her cousin, Jana'Rah. * A sketch of a an Ibex climbing up a very steep wall. * A Yin-Yang image featuring Luna and Rah'Jan. * A sketch of Nigel dressing/acting like an emo/goth teen. * Shen and Alex giving thier respective wives back massages (Semi-NSFW). * A Sketch of Luigi paying his pet Polterpup.


I kinda wanna see evie or stella coming up behind (evie or stella)and grabbing their boobs in a romantic sexy setting like their getting ready to bone, just getting their clothes off. That would be awesome


Shani and Estella clothing swap


Shani and Darnell on that magic carpet!


Bryta carrying Alma bridal style while our favourite bee queen dramatically swoons in her arms


Estella and Retsuko hanging out at the local karaoke and screaming heavy metal into their microphones


We've got a sketch of Evie attempting a pole dance... so how about Stella giving a lap dance to a very flustered Evie?


Stella and Evie dressed as supervillains robbing a bank


Your cat char trying catnip.

Viro Veteruscy

Evie accidentally getting high from an old stash of Estella's (thinking it was spices/herbs for cooking), smooth-talking Estella into a date with a nice smack on Estella's ass while eating chips with messy bed hair! GO!

Little Mario

I know when Evie and Estella met and how they fell in love with each other but can we see that moment where Evie or Estella popped "the question"?


A Zummeng family pic - all husbands lifting up their wives.

Little Mario

And also a picture of them both in bridal gowns. I figure they would be a couple that would totally do 2 wedding gowns.

Simone Spinozzi

something about Amazofuturism. You know. Amazonian environment + sci-fi with a positive tone. do a google image search 😉👍


Demon version of Gloria.


An outfit swap of Estella and Miralle.


An anthro seahorse


How about a Lizardman and a Skaven from Warhammer Fantasy battling each-other?


You know those cheesy old-school fantasy drawings with the big buff Conan-esque warrior and the droves of women at his feet looking up at him longingly? That, but it's Ditto and a bunch of sultry pokemon girls. Ideally the Ditto should just be as it is in the game, all tiny and dopey-looking. (For context, it's common practice to use Ditto for Pokémon Breeding in the games because they can breed with any species and pass on their best stats, etc.)


Sif the great wolf of Dark Souls and Zacian the legendary Pokemon. Can you make them like puppies?


Evie finds a strange dog and wants to keep it because it can teleport with Estella saying "NO" and "Where did you find it!" ( The joke is its Cosmo from Netflix Voltron)


Kisses between Shen and Zaphira.

Not Telling

Fluffy ram man


Your chars dress up with kimonos 👘 and spend a good time at Japanese New Year.


A wedding pic of Stella and Evie in traditional Chinese dress. c: https://www.zhongguofeng.com/uploads/allimg/171116/13-1G116144941.jpg


An angelic Evie and seraphic Estella. :D


I second Mr_TTerevel's the Lily underwater one. How about the creatures of Subnautica: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IvIFIz1hyM . What happens when the daughter of the sea god meets the Reaper leviathan: https://www.deviantart.com/quvr/art/Subnautica-Reaper-731908841


Estella cos playing as Mai Shiranui: https://snk.fandom.com/wiki/Mai_Shiranui


Luna just chilling and doing her thing.


You know... It's been a while since we've seen Gloria "spread eagle!"


Luna being mother figure to some of the village youths


Stella and eve in a snowball fight(still winter after all)


Evie shelling cookes from a cookie jar




How about drawing stella evie and gloria in kingdom hearts Orgnazation XIII coats https://www.google.csom/search?q=organization+xiii+coat&oq=organization+X&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0l3.40964j1j7&client=ms-android-americamovil-us&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=7cAjjfxGBJU3nM:


eating sea salt ice cream


I’m curious to see Evie’s take on the act - she is sick but wants to be sexy and get Stella into bed.


Evie rides Estella ;)... on the shoulders. XD

Herr Wurrst

Alma with the theme of casual nudity. Walking in the middle of her kingdom's main square in the middle of the day. Due to the summer heat, she has foregone all her already minimalist clothing, only wearing a summer hat.


Darth Rah'Jan vs Alexander skywalker(or what ever jedi master you prefer) Pool-party in hell? Shani and Darnel playing dragon rider >:D (make it funny pls) Still waiting for that wedding scene from Estella and Evie


You just have to do this one! https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/womanyellingcat-1573233850.jpg?resize=980:* With Evie as the white cat.


A wolf knight on horseback!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-07 03:42:28 Rah'Jan and One Punch Man crossover. Nothing more needs to be said. >:D
2020-01-20 22:13:31 Rah'Jan and One Punch Man crossover. Nothing more needs to be said. >:D

Rah'Jan and One Punch Man crossover. Nothing more needs to be said. >:D