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And here it is guys, the very last page of Welcome to New Dawn :) I'm going to write a little "good bye" post, but my brain has to recharge first... XP

Enjoy! :)




This comic was very astonishing and beautiful. I loved everything about it. And the story was really touching. Great job on making this comic Zummeng. And I'm looking forward on watching more of your amazing creative comics. Thank you.


I am going to miss this comic so much. So fun to read.


Won't be long now until Tree of Life.


Fantastic comic!!


First things first: Thank you so much for making this comic! Now, i found this comic about a year ago while browsing the internet. I was blown away by how good it was. The art was amazing and the character quickly took my heart. I had a rough life and could relate to this comic a lot. I checked you out and decided to become a patreon since this comic quickly had my heart taken <3 It inspired me to actually get up my depressive, self-loathing ass and start doing the things i always wanted to do. I started to learn how to draw, got back into music and writing. There was also a really nice and beautiful community that you have build and i couldn't be more happy to be part of it. Thank you so much for doing what you do. You got me out of a very bad spot in my life and i couldn't thank you enough for that. More than that you gave me a place were i feel at home and makes me looking forward to go home each day. You can be very proud on what you have achieved and build so far! And i can't wait to see where the journey will lead in the future. Once again, Thank you, both of you, for making this comic and everything around it. Keep doing what you do and i am eager to see what will come next. Have a very nice day and stay the way you are! Ps: sorry about the touchy feely comment ._.


I still can’t believe it ended so quickly. I suddenly have a sense of sadness, not knowing how to express. But thank you, Dach and Zum, for the beautiful story! ;w;


What! I come to my working place, open my mail and... this thing happened. I can't believe how fast time flies and... is this really the end? That's the feeling when the favorite book has finished... So proud that I had the opportunity to be in the process during streams, wips, to experience sincerely emotions and feelings, of the characters, the story atmosphere (Christmas part was my very very VERY lovely, the most lovely), to the end. Well on the other hand - now I can read it again! And with this, I want to express a thousand words of thanking for all these feelings and emotions! For all work, both of you've done! Maybe someone can find themselves in this story. And I wish you to love, to be tender to each other, and to be loved of each other.


Please tell me you have thoughts/plans/ideas for a sequel or something, Cause this can't be where Evie's and Estella's story ends, I just discovered this story and Immediately loved it,


wow~ thank you for this ending ~