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Here is the finished page 91.

Enjoy! :)




Evie is just so pure.


Estella: ''And even though you deserved it'' Me: I mean, Bobby didn't technically do or said anything mean to you so I'm not sure how exactly he deserved it. Hopefully, Estella will become a better person as this comic series goes on though.


How does Evie forgive Bobby after he dunked her head with toilet water and her own lunch she's just too good for this world

Viro Veteruscy

D'aww~ Evie is too pure, hope she was able to stay in touch with Bobbie :3


Evie is on a level of pureness she should be illigal!

Simone Spinozzi

When stella reaches her limit...

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-07 03:44:31 You’re a cool dude, Bobby! I like ya. :>
2019-11-21 23:28:52 You’re a cool dude, Bobby! I like ya. :>

You’re a cool dude, Bobby! I like ya. :>


None of that bullshit matters to Evie. She only cares about making the world a better place. She’ll continue going forward. I think Evie has incredible strength and spirit, and that’s why we love her. :3