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"Take your time, I'm having fun here"

I wanted to make this one a long time ago, but I just couldn't come up with a good pose or perspective. Up until now at least :D And I love how this one turned out :]




I love Evie’s reaction there XD I can only imagine that the situation is going to get “worse.”

Matthias Preissl

So...Evie's a druid, Stella is probably a sorceress...

Viro Veteruscy

Evie's like "Crap! This is the Henta-- er... Romance novel I was reading!" >w>


I've always assumed that in a fantasy setting mages would write all sorts of kinky spells to get their rocks off.


For some reason i really like how the vine takes the staff and Stella just let's it take it. No opposition what so ever.

Not Telling

Gift From the Wooder God


Consentacles! :D Love how Stella always manages to keep her cool and enjoy every (kinky) moment!