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Hi guys! :) Here is another month, so it's time to gather your ideas again :)

Feel free to post things about your ideas and suggestions here in the comments. You can post ideas, references, ANYTHING you’d just like. I’m going to pick from your ideas (I don’t know how many, sometimes, more, sometimes less), and maybe this way I’ll be able to make more sketches every month, and maybe you'll like them more too. If I do one of your ideas, then the sketch will be dedicated to the person who suggested it :) And don’t forget, these are the sketches you’ll be voting for at the end of each month, so there is a chance that your idea will be made into a fully detailed, rendered picture :)

But keep in mind these are nothing to do with commissions, so please do not request your original characters. But character designs, scenes, SFW and NSFW, fanart, literally anything else is okay.

Note: Because I ask for your suggestions in a monthly basis (to be easier to manage and look trough them), please POST AGAIN any idea you'd really like to see from me, but I haven't drawn yet! And don't forget, you can suggeset AS MANY IDEAS AS YOU'D LIKE!

So don’t hold back, let the ideas flow! :)




A sketch of Alexander & Gloria celebrating their anniversary with some saucy romance in the bedroom.


A sketch of Lily conversing with underwater creatures.


What If Darnell, instead of wishing Shani free wished to become a djinn like her to live together in the lantern forever?


What about personality swap? Like Estella and evie?


Estella and Shani clothing swap


Two suggestions! Shen relaxing in the palace with Shaphira and her sisters, more homely and lovey-dovey than erotic. On a more random note... curious about you drawing an anthro horsey! :D

Simone Spinozzi

DANGEROUS LADIES! But... you know... not really deranged 😅👍💖


Evie paints for Stella while Stella models for Evie.


The Snek sisters reacting to modern Stuff like Pizza, Sextoys, Lingerie, TVs etc.

Little Mario

I think it would be funny to see the first time Stella took Evie lingerie shopping. Would Evie pass out from hyperventilating?


Stella and Evie dressed as supervillains robbing a bank


We've got a sketch of Evie attempting a pole dance... so how about Stella giving a lap dance to a very flustered Evie?


Estella and Retsuko hanging out at the local karaoke and screaming heavy metal into their microphones


Druid Evie is trying out a new spell where roots and vines sprout from the ground, but they accidently ensnare Witch Estella. Evie frantically attempts to dispel the vines with a panicked "Don't worry! I-I-I can fix this!!!" look on her face whereas Stella simply grins and says "Eh, no pressure, take your time!"


Bryta carrying Alma bridal style while our favourite bee queen dramatically swoons in her arms


Shani and Darnell on that magic carpet!

Darth Drakus

The mother of Rah'Jan's daughter.


Gloria wearing sexy lingerie

Viro Veteruscy

Big floof Estella for Evie to fall into like a cloud! OwO *bounces up and down making squeakie noises*


You haven't done Krystal from Starfox, have you? That'd be cool to see.


Been a while since you did some hollow knight. How about lace from silksong


It would be interesting to see Evie genuinely angry! Not in a "Awww, that's cute" way, but in a rare and thus truly scary manner.

Jenna West

Cow dj! I just love when you do animals that aren't typically drawn!

Not Telling

Stella and Evie kittens doing cat shenanigans.

Not Telling

Some royal advisor type trying to trim Shen's beard. Shen isn't having it.


Lets see all the adult lady characters line up for a nude breast-size comparison chart. Like this sort of thing: https://askubercast.tumblr.com/image/87422265713


Hmmm.. Stella strpping in a public clothing store to try on clothes. Yes.

Seth Smith

I would love to see your take on a snow leopard or a hyena


Kurama from Naruto would be an interesting one!


A sassy male Unicorn


Your Anthro version of Cosmo from the Voltron defenders of the Universe.


Reactions Stella and Evie hanging out in a small party but with catnips. :D


All your character living together in a big ass house like in drawn together ;D His name is Bond. Alexander Bond Mafia Rah'Jan and his gang Sellas and Evies wedding <3 Flash the turtle in the 40k universe Darth Rah'Jan vs Alexander Skywalker Your female characters going on a shoping trip Your male character having a man day. I don't know playing poker or video games, something stereotypical i guess Evies adventures in Skyrim A hummingbird as the lady in red ;)

Herr Wurrst

Alma with the theme of casual nudity. Walking in the middle of her kingdom's main square in the middle of the day. Due to the summer heat, she has foregone all her already minimalist clothing, only wearing a summer hat.


A queen wasp


I've jumped out my bed because of this idea to write it! The Moss (Mr. Dreadlocks) obsessed by Grimm's Flame. Calm and balanced as a candle. With flamy butterflies.


A Sketch of a Puppeteer Spider and Its Hapless Victim.


A Snowy Owl Huntress.

T.J. Young

Evie dressed in a Gothic Lolita dress. Gloria braiding Lily's "hair" while Lily braids Alexander's "hair".


Intimate scene with Stella and Evie


Can you do a sketch featuring your take on a Dementor from Harry Potter?

Michael Mark Rhodes

With the new comic release, could we maybe get some more info on Bobby? Hes a real cutie and I would love to see where he is now, hell, maybe he is even friend we stella and evie


Evie's mysterious fetishes.


Would any of the ladies like to try and wear a xenomorph face hugger as on their crotch as underwear?


A sketch of a an Ibex climbing up a very steep wall.