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Here is the finished page 86.

Enjoy! :)




The poor puppy! She didn't even do anything wrong :C


Yep, she's the boss now.


Awwwwww i just wanna hug the poor pupper ;.; i was in her place growing up


Aww that poor pup. She’s so innocent. ;w; it seems tho Stella’s personality is now swinging to the other extreme. But, Evie knows how to save her! <3


Poor doggie :'(


Hm, I like Stella and all but that looked like a red flag to me. That was a real dick move when we haven't even seen that pup bully Evie in the past pages so that was very uncalled for regardless of Stella's reasoning. Not everyone deserves to be treated that way just because of a few jerks.

Viro Veteruscy

Poor dog guy... Stella could have just slept with Evie instead of moving him. I hope Evie convinces her to apologize ;w;


Yeeeahhh...I expected her to have a "kick the dog" moment (no pun intended) sooner or later. Hopefully this is the only one.


Agreed. I really hope Stella doesn't have anymore red flags. :(


Aw man that poor Dog girl. : (


Hmm I dunno. At the beginning of the comic Stella hopped out of her car to fight so one for driving too slowly and returned with blood on her hand. Evie seemed to tune it out.


Greenbeans - yes but you forgot to mention that Evie quickly realized what happened. She’s a caring kitty with a big heart. So even when it’s after the event, I’m sure Evie sees what Stella is going through and is going to do her best to help out. :)


Stella decided to make the first move and “not being stepped on” this time. The thing is Stella will have to dump out all the anger in some ways, from the beating of her dad’s. Evie just saved Stella from hell. So I’m sure Stella is going to be slowly recover with the help of Evie. :)


I love it. I love love love it. I also love the fact I'm suddenly VERY interested in the new girl and want to see more from/about her.


Hopefully Stella doesn't take her anger out on more innocent people like this or worse though. There's a difference between standing up for yourself and being a dick. Being reminded of Stella's road rage in earlier pages makes me worry. :( She's still violent as an adult. It's funny in the short sketchy comics but in something like this, it is a bit different when this is being made into a staple of her personality.


Absolutely. I just hope that we can keep Stella from more nasty conflicts like such.