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And this is it. Prophecy is officially over. And believe me, I wanted to end this with 69 page just as much as you guys, but I thought stretching the story for another two pages for just wouldn't worth a nice little joke. So anyway, maybe we can do a 69 page comic in the future :D

I don't even know what to say, there are so many things racing inside my head. One one hand, I'm happy that we just completed or 4th comic. That is a great feeling. On the other hand, I'm going to miss chubby snek lady, and spindly fox guy. Not like they are going anywhere, but I won't have to draw them every week.

And the weird thing is, New Dawn will end soon too, and now we have to prepare the next erotic comic AND the Tree of Life the same time. And Tree of Life is basically the BIGGEST project we've ever done so far. So it won't be easy. These things kinda overshadow the joy I feel about the end of Prophecy. Not in a bad sense, but there is just so much thing to do and prepare, I wish I had more than two hands :D

And there is one more thing we are happy about Prophecy. We learned a lot from it. I said this at every comic, but this time we realized a few pretty big problem we made in writing and in comic making in general. And to be honest, I'm really happy about this. It feels great to look at your works, and to say “God, this doesn't look as good as I imagined. But I know how I could fix it next time.” So we hope we can make even better comics in the future :)

Oh right, what about the future? Oh, there is a LOT cool things in the future! :D So what comes after Prophecy? A lot, actually :D But let's not jump too far ahead, let's just see the next comic.

So the next erotic comic will be a fairly short sequel to one of our previous stories. To which one? You'll have to wait until the cover page to find that out ;)

But as I said, it got really busy whit these comics, so please give us one or two weeks to properly prepare the next comic. But don't worry, you won't be left without content until that, we'll come up with something. Oh, and don't forget, you'll get Prophecy in PDF format here in Patreon, just like the other comics :)

So I think that's all for now. It's kinda hard to gather my thought to be honest, because a lot of exciting thing is in the future! I hope you are looking forward to them just as much as we do :)



To me, Tree of Life is gonna be like 'Avengers: Endgame', nothing (probably) won't be that same after that.


I'm sad this comic is over but very excited for your future works!

Seth Smith

Congrats on finishing such a project! I enjoyed it immensely, and I hope that at some point in the future we can see more of Shen and Zaphira! Thank you for sharing this fun, loving, sexy, and touching story with us. I look forward to your future projects!

The Furry Centinel

I've been following the story for about a year and all I have to say is, congratulations.... Congratulations for finishing such a marvelous story, this is definitely one of my favorite comics, the story is very creative, the characters are great in design and personality and the romance and erotic scenes are just wonderful!!! But I wonder, have you thought about making another story with these couple? Or is this it for Shen & Saphira? I'm curious...


I was really hoping Shen banging Saphira's sisters at one point though.


I’m not ready for Welcome to New Dawn to be over. Estella and Evie are the sweetest kitties ever. I also just joined Zum’s supporter train last week, so... I already miss Evie. ;w; I just wanna say thank you two so much for writing the stories and drawing the comics. I can’t wait to see more Evie and Estella in the future!! <3

Takkin Faircrest

I'll attempt to prepare myself to be blown away by Tree of Life. Cannot wait!! <3

Not Telling

Ooh, a sequel? I can think of a couple I'd definitely like to see.


Congratulations! I remember when I've started to follow this page, with this and later - the other stories. It is always sad to say goodbye to something you're used to, but it's really exciting to start something new. It was and It is always a pleasure to see all the processes, wips, streams, psd. I hope we will see the characters in the future more. So, from the bottom of my heart, I want to say thank you - this work was great! And of course - I wish you good luck! Looking forward to the next projects!!! Let it be higher, cooler and bigger!

Alexey Belovolsky

"It was the best erotic comic I've ever seen!" - I was prepared to say those words at the end of the first bedroom scene. Then Zaphira and Shen made so many things and so many times made love that I wanted to write comments like "Wow" under every new single page! I like that you managed to make a simple erotic project a big romantic novel! And now I can't wait to see the new comic you work on! Thanks!

shadow (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-07 03:45:53 This story is really great,author make a great job, every time I waited for new pages but I was really disappointed about ending of this beatifull story. Of course in one way it looks funny but I was hopping to see how Shen & Saphira gonna be married and then we gonna see their fututre kids. I think such ending gonna be much more pleasant.
2019-11-01 23:12:06 This story is really great,author make a great job, every time I waited for new pages but I was really disappointed about ending of this beatifull story. Of course in one way it looks funny but I was hopping to see how Shen & Saphira gonna be married and then we gonna see their fututre kids. I think such ending gonna be much more pleasant.

This story is really great,author make a great job, every time I waited for new pages but I was really disappointed about ending of this beatifull story. Of course in one way it looks funny but I was hopping to see how Shen & Saphira gonna be married and then we gonna see their fututre kids. I think such ending gonna be much more pleasant.