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Here is the finished page 45.

Enjoy! :)



Andres Campos

The breast grabbing from behind is a real deal


Passion, romance, and an adorable snake lady with big bongos - What's not to like?


You know, Zum - I am one of those quiet lurkers around here, mostly - but I wanted to tell you: I love your art; I love it not because it's good (though it is), but because you capture emotion. Real feelings - and in every piece you post, in every story you tell.. /that/ is what comes through. it's easy to make porn. But.. this isn't /porn/. This is a story that's not ashamed to wear its heart on its sleeve, and I am proudly a patron because the emotion, the /heart/ in everything you draw is beyond compare. Thank you for this, and all of your stories.


I can't be thankful enough how you're thinking about the comic. Yes, sadly it's too easy to make porn, and I always try to draw the sex in the way that shows I really care about the characters, and they aren't just connecing their bodies but their souls too. I always hope I can make a little difference with my works among the lot of skin deep pornographic comics on the internet. Thank you for strengthening me that I do something great!