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Another month, another chance for a brand new Q&A, so let's get started! :D

You can ask Estella and Evie, or other characters from my comics, or even me here in the comments, and I'm going to chose a few one to answer with a very simple little sketch. So ask anything you like, and remember, you can have as many questions as you'd just like :) And don't worry if your question wasn't answered, you can ask them again next time :)

You can ask your questions until February 14, and I'll try to post the answers on February 15.

So don't hold back those questions, and have fun! :)




To Estella and Evie: What will both of you wish for if you girls picked up Shani's djinn lamp instead of Darnell? To Queen Alma: Your highness, what is your diet and daily routine to keep such a good body shape?


To Evie and Estella: What kind of music most represents you two? Does any of you two already wanted to be like rock starts or something? Does any of you two know how to play any instrument? If yes, what one? :>


Another one for you two! When tou two go into a café, what foods of the Menu makes you two remember each other? Some dessert, coffee of anything like that

Simone Spinozzi

To the sweet tarantula girl we just saw: "what do you do for a living?"


To Gloria: Do you worry about Lily as much as you do about Alex. Worry if she might get herself in serious danger, get hurt, or if she might try to hurt her father when she finally finds him?


To Rah'Jan: What kind of “fun” will you have with someone if you leave them alive?


To Alexander: What would say, or do if your daughter ever sees you again?


To Teen Lily: How's your life going, got any friends, or a boyfriend. How are you getting along with your Mom & Dad?


To Zaphira: Any books you like that aren't Love Stories?

Death of Ink

Estella: What do you think of Evie's new outfit?

Seth Smith

To Shen: we have seen a lot of books that Zaphira likes, but what is your favorite story/genre?


To Shani : Is there any rank or hierarchy among djinns?


To Evie and Estella: do you guys ever play video games if so what would be considered your favourite type of game?


To Evie: Do you ever read manga?


To Stella: Would you like a coconut?


To Evie: What's your favorite ride at an amusement park?


To Shani and Darnell: What's your favorite part of each other(physically)?


To Miralle: What's the best advice you have for taking care of monsters?

Selin Malianis

to Evie and Estella: Any fancy plans for Valentine's? Something sweet or kinky?


Estella and Evie what poke'mon best represent you?


Alma: Remember that cute, red, lizard thief you nearly crushed to death between your thighs a while back? Why’d you let him go? :3


Estella: Have you ever been on the receiving end of your kink play with Evie? How would you rate the experience?


Alma’s worker/soldier bees: So… are you Queen Alma’s children or are you simply her employees? How much does she pay? What’s it like working for her? What are your opinions of her, umm... "visits" with collectors?


Alma: Given that many come from miles around to prove themselves worthy of the queens honey, what is the weirdest experience (be it sexual or otherwise) you had with a collector?


Bryta: I have to ask, but what is the deal with the Royal Honey? Why were you sent to collect it? Why is it valuable?


Alma: Wow! Your bee-snake is really cute! She/he/they got a name? :D

Alexey Belovolsky

Alma, as we all know, you had many sexual partners who many times confessed their love to you. Tell us what your Valentine's Day looks like?

Alexey Belovolsky

To Alma's caterpillar. If you can talk, please tell us is it difficult to be a royal feather boa?

Alexey Belovolsky

Question to all characters. Which of you had the saddest Valentine's Day and why did this happen?

Alexey Belovolsky

Chili, I heard that you did not wear any clothes before, but then you decided to have your own outfit. Tell us which costumes you like the most?

Simone Spinozzi

And to the sweet fire ant girl: Aphids treating you well? Are you wearing your scarf during the night? Is your queen feeding you? You seem rather worn.


To Darnell: Was there a time when you nearly got sentenced to death for your thievery?


Also for Gloria: Does Lily still love you despite the things she's going through?


Dear Estella and Evie, do you binge any TV series?


Estella and Evie, you two are a close couple but you have such conflicting personalities. Do you ever fight?


To Lily: What dangers have you faced while out on your own searching for your father, and when will your hatred for him end?


To Shani: what is the kinkiest wish you were ever asked? And did you grant it?