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Here is the finished page 31.

Yes, maybe the lines are a bit thicker here and in the previous New Dawn. I quite like it, so I hope I can keep this style in the future :) I still made this comic page in Sai, not in Clip Studio, so I don't know if the samll style change is because of my mood, or because I learned something in Clip Studio, because I found a similar brush there.

Enjoy! :)




Some yummy foreshadowing.


Hahaha oh she is so adorable.

Seth Smith

In clip studio, do you use the default brushes or have you found some new ones?


I only use the defaults yet, I only tweaked with the pressure opacity. I use the "pen" by the way :)


Hahaha, I'm loving this! XD

Alexey Belovolsky

And some people immediately remembered the movie Nine ​1⁄2 Weeks.)) Shen's face at the bottom of the page is just perfect!

Not Telling

It's important to remember that fennecs cannot unhinge their jaws!

Simone Spinozzi

you know... when i was joking she was a "virgin".... i did not mean this level of heart-wrenching "i have no idea why would anybody do sex for romance" level of virginity. 😭😭😭👍 Yay! I can finally answer comments again! ❤👍 now... onto answering everything... also: Good luck, i hope you got paid!