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Another month, another chance for a brand new Q&A, so let's get started! :D

You can ask Estella and Evie, or other characters from my comics, or even me here in the comments, and I'm going to chose a few one to answer with a very simple little sketch. So ask anything you like, and remember, you can have as many questions as you'd just like :) And don't worry if your question wasn't answered, you can ask them again next time :)

You can ask your questions until August 14, and I'll try to post the answeres on August 15.

So don't hold back those questions, and have fun! :)



Simone Spinozzi

A "simple" one: why do you draw yourself looking like Estella most of the times?


Qestion for Estella and Evie have you one of you ever meet a Anthro Raptor or Dinosaur in general?




Question for Estella: You seem to like to subject Evie to your more kinky tastes, and I notice you tend to be the top cat in these things. So I got to ask, do you two ever switch?


Okay I Got A Couple Questions:


To Alexander: Do you ever miss Gloria or Lily while on your journey?


Question for both, or whoever feels like answering. (Artist included) what is your preferred fur style. Not just for yourself, but in general. Long and fluffy, or short and neat?


Question for Zummeng, what is your favourite part of designing or imagining a new character?


Question for Zummeng: of all the characters you have created, which one(s) are you the most proud of/like the most?


To Estella and Evie: Who's the ticklish one?


Someone already asked this a while back. Here is the answer :) <a href="https://www.deviantart.com/zummeng/art/Patreon-QnA-October-712823617" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.deviantart.com/zummeng/art/Patreon-QnA-October-712823617</a>


To Alexander: Have you ever sent gifts to Lily while you're away?


To Gloria: Have you tried to follow Lily? How long has she been gone?

Parker Trotter

Rah'Jan do you have any embarrassing pictures of you before you bulked up and became the god of awesome we all know and love?

Death of Ink

To Estella: What's the sexiest thing Evie's ever said to you?


To the girls: whatcha gonna do with that big, fat butt?


To Alex: how much more difficult it is for you to fight Rah'Jan away from water? I suppose you are at your best when there is water in easy reach that you can use...

Takkin Faircrest

For any character that feels like answering... What's your favorite scented candle? I'm really curious if some answers would be completely unexpected, or for mysterious reasons...

Alexey Belovolsky

Rah'Jan, do you have a girlfriend or, perhaps,.. a boyfriend? Maybe a short, cute, giggly succubus or a red, huge, sexy demon?

Alexey Belovolsky

Young Evie, you live in the orphanage for many years. Were there any pleasant moments in your life? Favorite toys, pets or some kind people?

Sarah Raynore

To both Estella and Evie: do you plan on having kids? If so, to Estella: what kind of parent would you be? The one to spoil her kids or the strict type who loses her temper when the children are being mischiveous and not lisening to you?


To Estella and Evie: what's the biggest problem your long, beautiful fur has ever caused to you? To Gloria: why are you living all by yourself in the woods? Were you cast away from your community when you couldn't give birth, or did you choose this way?


Hey Estella and Evie: I was wondering what kind of cats you two were. Lets see you in your mighty feral form!

Yuu Yukonix

Rah’Jan. Have you ever fallen in love with a special lady/gentleman? And if so. Are you two together?


To Estella and Evie; What are your favorite hairstyles, how far would you take it and what is the most shocking experience related to this topic?