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So this is just a small edit of two sketches you already saw. I tought these were such a good ideas, and after making them, I kinda felt they look like one picture cut in two halfs, so I wanted to make one whole from them. And I think it looks much better this way :)

Note: I know poor Gloria and Lily have this "handicapped" seet compared to the guys, so I'll definietly edit that if this piece winns the vote.




It got better

Simone Spinozzi

🤔👍 definitively going to be a vote


I saw Rah'Jan in a movie recently! Or at least, a creature that looked a lot like him.


I’d love to see this expanded, but they are smaller, they wouldn’t need bigger seats


I really hope Lily dosen't really turn into another Batman-like figure after this upcoming Tree Of Life comic (Y'know dead parents, guilt-ridden angst, all that jazz)


There will be always a melancholic vibe that lingers around Lily, but she won't become a DC character, I can ensure you. :D