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So Disney just bought Fox, and someone wrote that acquired the rights to a lot of francise, such as Aliens. So Disney owns Aliens, and that means every single little alien the alien queen breeds is basically a Disney princess... And I just could not let an ide like that just slip away. Somebody had to do it anyway.



Simone Spinozzi

🤔 well... if you look at "Alien 2 - Aliens" from the xenomorph's perspective it's the tragic story of a mother trying to feed her children while stranded in a place with more and more limited resources, a psychopath arrives and for no real reason kills a lot of unborn babies that she was trying to keep from living in a desolate place with no resources and then the mother confronts the psychopath, dying a tragic death mostly due to being naked and unarmed (see: she was in a desolate place with no resources) while the psychopath, while being psychically weaker had all sorts of evil technology. 😅


i opened my mail, saw the title of your post and was "well i wonder which one", welp... didnt expected this for sure mayn


Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow, hahahahaha


Well I don't know what's the particular mean most of emojis but I'm using this when my intentions are silly, or I want to soften the seriousness. I dunno. :U