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Hi guys! :)

I tought I give you a little update about the things I planed for the next few month, including December.

First of all, I'm really sorry I haven't been too productive, informative or communicative in November. We just had our wedding, and it was a lot of work that basically took all our time for a whole week. (By the way, luckily everything went nice and smooth, there was no drama, so it was a very nice little wedding ^^)

But now I'm back, so let's see what I was planning for the near future!

So we had a lot of discussion about this month's exclusive sketches, and we tought December should be about Christmas, so why not make the sketches and voting a bit different this time? So the November vote should go up right now, but instead of that, that vote will be delayed to January. In the next 6 days I'm going to upload a few nice Christmas sketches, and the voting will start at December 6, when I upload the last one, and you can vote wich holiday themed picture you'd like to see compleated for Christmas. I hope you guys like the idea :)

Now let's talk about the comics. If I'm correct, the last page of Wishes will be uploaded on December 26. That's right, the comic will end at Christmas :) I hope you'll like what I planed for the last few pages (even tough a lot of you were pretty dissapointed for not seeing jinni babies...), and I hope you'll enjoy the ending too :)

So Wishes will end this year, but we already started working on the next comic project. The next one will be a short one, and we'll try to make it a bit more comical, just to spice things up :) The stars of it will be one of my existing charater, and a new one, and it will be silly and fun :D I hope you'll like that too :)

And let's talk about "Welcome to New Dawn". As you could already see, the cover is done, and that was my first goal. The comic itself is progressing pretty damn good! I'm not sure when I can upload the first page, maybe I sketch down all the pages first, maybe I won't, I haven't decided yet. But you can look forward for more updates and progress in the near future, because as I said, even if the money goal haven't been reached yet, I'll work on this comic as much as I can :]

Well, I guess that's all that came to my mind right now. Feel free to ask if anything comes to your mind though! ^^

Love you guys, bye! ^^



Woooow, I didn't know you had your wedding! Congratulations to both of you! Best wishes :)


Congratulations on your wedding! No worries, I remember how hectic it was planning my own.