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Hello everybdoy! :D 

In the past few days a few Patreon Policy changes has happened, and the lenght of the community guidlines has almost tripled. Personally, I didn’t read all of it, mainly the parts that really concern my works: Pornography on Patreon. I must say, I’m satisfied with the updated rules about adult contents, everything’s more clear, and promises greater safety in this topic for both side. They are trying to supress some topics, and to better define things. 

I’m happy to say, the policy changes doesn’t affect my works and future ideas on Patreon, though there would be one itsy-bitsy thing I should do according to the new policy. From now on, I have to set all my adult contents to patrons only. This means even if a picture is supposed to be public, if it’s adult content, I have to set it patrons only. But that's all the changes I have to do, it’s almost nothing. All the adult content will be public after a while anyway as always on my other social media websites. So I’m glad, everything will be all right here without any notable changes. 

So if you guys have a Patreon and create adult content too, check the new guidelines, just for safety’s sake, if only because to be informed in this sensitive topic. 



Simone Spinozzi

As long as some idiot at high positions does not start classifying furries as "bestiality" which is forbidden by these new rules... i think you're ok. 😅 (let's hope not 🤞🤞)

Simone Spinozzi

Let's put it this way: i hope it is all about consent. Most of the stuff deemed inappropriate is all about not having consensual sex from both parties. And... Well... I just hope some idiot is not all about "god created man and woman and everything else is an animal which shall not... Etc. Etc." So as long as it's about consensual sex it should be ok to depict such fringes as BDSM and furries and other stuff which would be "extremely deviant" as seen by idiots. But it's a fantasy and not the kind which thrives on abuses. But they specifically name beasts and dominance. I hope they get the difference between consensual fantasies and idiots which want to abuse and rape. Because lumping together BDSM and furries with paedophiles and rapists seems... Extremely idiotic and bigot.