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Hey everyone! :)

I think it's time for the May Q&A :) So let's get it started! Rules are just like every month:

If you have any question (or questions) you'd like to ask from me, just write them here in the comments. And just like every time, you can ask anything, in any topic you are interresed in (it can be about my projects, my characters, Patreon, or anything personal), I'll try to answer them the best as I can. So don't hold back! :)

Questions will be closed on 21th of May, and I'll post the answeres here on Patreon on the 22th of May.



Just curious what made you stop doing regular Sketch Commission? I looked around and I was hoping to grab something from you, in the near future~ I'm also very curious on your process, with comics and How you do it with the poses too for pinup?


What do you want to draw the most?


How did you become more content with your art style? Its such a struggle and you have such a unique one.


Hey Zum, have you ever thought of streaming while you're drawing?


How would you feel about a written version of Gift of the Water God? Would you rather keep it only in comic form, or would you mind someone coming up with a more in-depth, written transcript for it?