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"Double Date"

So Zygarde wanted to see a double date with our couples, but as you can see, the night isn't going all too well :D But life wouldn't be fun without a little drama, right...? ^^;




Are they the sort of couple who would follow this screaming match with making out during the cab ride home?


SO funny! Great stuff!


"Ok, well then, Mister Big Tiger Stud Who Does Me Just The Way I Like It, you'll take this dessert that I'm offering because you make me hot!" "Oh, yeah? Well, I'm going to _eat_ this morsel you're offering me! And it'll probably be delicious like you are, too! Especially after I cover you in whipped cream and chocolate sauce!" "Well, I like _that_! You can lick it off me all night with that rough tiger tongue of yours--and I'll make sure to return the favor! So there!" "So...Zaphira...should we separate them, or--" "Shh. I'm taking notes for you and me later on." "Oh. Don't forget the bit with the whipped cream."