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A little while ago, there was a discussion on our Discord server that there should be a "Zaphira Appreciation Day," because she deserves it :D So we did some digging, and it turned out that on July 2nd, 2018, the first picture with Zaphira was posted, so that seemed fitting to mark her own day :) So let us celebrate her plum and soft majesty together! :D




With the sweetest naivete of innocence, a humble overflowing heart despite a royal upbringing, a beaming bright smile to accentuate a stunningly gorgeous physique, and an ENCYCLOPEDIC knowledge of sex thanks to a lifetime of romance novels, is there any wonder why Zaphira is the best girl you could ever wish for? 😍😍😍


Happy Late Birthday of the Most Beautiful Chubby Cobra🎉🦈