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With new characters come new refsheets, and these two were really fun to design! ^^ Both Basa and Zet are personal royal guards/soldiers of the ruling couple, so I tried to give them a design that could reflect that. I started with some ancient Egyptian military clothes and armour and gave them a bit more colour and gold to show they aren't your regular soldiers or guards, but I wanted to keep them simple because I wanted their clothes to be practical and easy to move in :)



pj wolf

Somewhat stereotypical that the larger dude is more jolly, but also he's a hippo. Probably the better fighter, because hippos do not play


Why is Basa being force to call Zaphira sis?


Yes, they both look quite dashing in those clothes. I'm taking bets that they look even better without them. Just saying...

pj wolf

My guess is that they're under cover, hence the disguises and such. Probably having a royal out and about publicly would mean a lot more obvious security to protect them. Zaphira probably didn't want as much security because she wants to see and experience things from the perspective of a commoner, since she never has in her life.

Demiebow Skiema

What font is this? it loos so pretty! :0