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Hello sweeties 🌺

Today I'm sharing with you this resource that maybe it may help you ^^

🔗 https://trello.com/ 

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Trello is amazing for organizing stuff and your life in general, but I also have a folder in this free app to organize my posts on Instagram. I define the date of posting, includes the files and the descriptions. Later, I just copy and paste to Meta Bussinnes Suit.

What I use this for: organizing the content I will be posting on social media and have it saved.

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Gmail has this amazing things called "tags" that I always use to organize my emails in different folders, one for each category (commissions, collaborations, events...). You can define colors and sub folders and it's very useful to keep your inbox clean.

What I use this for: organizing emails in different folders.


🌺Previous Resources: https://www.patreon.com/kalisdice/posts?filters[tag]=Resources%20for%20artists 



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