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[The information is written below, the Speedpaint doesn't include notes!]

Hey hey sweeties! 

Today I come with a random new idea :) Since I'm trying to be more active on Instagram, I'm using Reels to share some most asked questions. I don't know if these will be interesting for people, but I wanted to share the captions with extra information here :) Also with the speedpaint of this drawing! 

So let's start! ^^

It's difficult to know which is the correct price for your own art. I used to just check different artist to put a similar price. What I do know is (as a freelancer):

🌺 [Time]

 I start choosing a rate/hour amount. 25€/h is a good amount to start, but I've seen artist who recommend 75€/hour. Feel a price that you feel comfortable with. 25€/hour is an amount I have seen as recommended in different places!

Also make sure you are aware of the time you really spend on each drawing. Procreate save the time you spend on each drawing, so if you have it, check this time and make an average. If not, I would recommend you to draw 1-3 drawings of the type of your choice (for example: headshot, full bodies...) and measure the time. How long it takes you each one? What's the average time? 

But this is just the base time! To this time, keep in mind that you will have to add the time you will dedicate to emails (this takes more time than people can imagine!). But not only emailing time, also the time you usually need to check your DMs for new requests and questions from possible commissioners. This is time you invest, but still, not always will turn into a commission (so yes, you have already worked a little). For this, having default answers can save you time!

In the case you are a traditional artist, keep in mind the time you will need to prepare the orders (envelopes, buying material you may need...) and of course, the time you spend going to the post office, spending time there, and coming back. The ideal thing is having several orders and choose a day of the week to go to the post office, but this is not always the case!

Also, don't forget to add a extra time for problematic circumstances. Just in case. I sometimes send a little thank you doodle to commissioners, so I add this time here!

Then calculate the basic price consider your rate/hour. 

🌺 [Materials] 

There are direct costs like the cost of a piece of paper. Maybe it sounds ridiculous, but if you are a traditional artist, keep in mind all the individual stuff you need: the piece of (not cheap) paper, envelope, bussiness card, thank you note, if you add a freebie....  The indirect costs are the materials you use (watercolors, markers...)

But even if you are digital or traditional, keep in mind while you are working you are using power. Don't forget you are not paying an office (maybe), but you are actually working at home. And if you live of art, your income will go to pay these costs!

And of course, licenses. Maybe you can use free software, but there are other programs that requires a payment (CPS, Photoshop...). But not only licenses related directly to art, others like iCloud or Marketing Email requires monthly payments. There are a bunch of tools you can be paying, and this should be considered. 

Keep in mind too that maybe one day you need to make a sudden and unexpected payment, you would need savings. So think that you are not working only to pay groceries or power monthly. 

🌺 [Taxes] 

It depends on the country, so maybe you don't have to worry about this depending on your place. But if you are a freelance you will probably have to pay taxes. 

In Spain, for example, aside the monthly freelance fee (~300€) there is the VAT for each invoice, and about 20% of the total income will be for taxes (IRPF). So, maybe you are not earning as much as you thought!

🌺 [Fees] 

PayPal usually gets a fee from each transaction, depending on the country. This is supposed to be paid by the seller. Also, there is fees when you convert the currency, so keep this in mind when you are accepting payments in other currencies, you should add and extra!

It something that may happen with other banks. 


I hope these advices could be useful for you sweeties! I'm still learning tho :) Feel free to ask any doubt you have or add more ideas in the comments! :D


Speedpaint and Topic 1


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