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Hey sweeties!

I hope you are doing well :)

Today is my 8th anniversary with my partner, and it couldn’t happen in worse date unfortunately. This Saturday night my dear grandpa passed away, and from that day, these days have been quite hard for me. I’m spending a couple of days in an apartment with my partner to disconnect of everything, and this includes social media but also drawing.

I don’t remember the last time I have slept that much, even taking some naps! Also we are cooking, walking and watching series.

I wanted to let you know through this post that I couldn’t do the video of Vanilla Coffee of this month, since I had planned to do them this weekend and week. I ask for your patience, I will prepare them once I feel a bit more recovered and as soon as I completed all the tasks I had to stop because the loss.

Same with some of the Mocca commissions, I will continue / start them as soon as possible!

Anyway, I hope you are doing well sweeties. I’m working on my mental health these days, and cry as much as I need. And I hope you do the same 💗

Sending love!




I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Please take your time to recover and don't worry about us <3


Take care!