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Heeeeeeeeeeeey these are all characters from an old story called God Pirate! Coda (he/him) and Sheiden (they/them)!

I'm sorry it's the first time you see them and it's in these conditions hehe (also SORRY for all the anatomy mistakes, I was reaaaally tired and needed to sleep when I sketched these! >((((<)

Maybe one day I should talk more about these two. Actually, Sheiden is one of the main characters in the story, but Coda is basically a secondary. 

Ah! The story is about magic, gods and semi-gods. At a time when the world is going to restart at any moment, destroying humans, Sheiden has the tough task of collecting and safeguarding the purest souls so that after the world begins again, only they will be born again. .

It's a story that I started when I was thirteen, maybe one day I'll continue it! Who knows! ^^ There wasn't any NSFW back then tho hehe



